// $Id$ // // Copyright (C) 2008 // Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) // Competence Center NETwork research (NET), St. Augustin, GERMANY // Stefan Bund // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /** \mainpage The Configuration and Runtime Control Library The Console library implements a runtime interactive (network) console which allows to configure, control and manipulate a running application in any way. Additionally this library provides support for configuration files and command line parsing which can be used with or without the network console. \autotoc \section console_intro Introduction There are three parts to the Config/console library: \li The console/config library is based on a \link node_tree tree of console/config nodes. \endlink \li Besides directories, the node contains command nodes. Commands are based on \link console_commands variables or callbacks.\endlink \li The console/config library is utilized by writing configuration files or interactive commands in \link console_parser the console/config language.\endlink The node tree works like a directory structure. Commands are entered into this directory structure and can be called passing arbitrary arguments. Configuration parameters are just commands which set their respective parameter, however the library allows commands to do much more than just that. \section console_example Example The following example shows a \e very short summary on how to integrate the config/console library. See above links for more: \code #include // Define callback function. void mycommand(std::ostream & os, int foo, int bar) { // ... os << "!! Important message ...\n"; } namespace kw = senf::console::kw; int main(int, char**) { // Provide global documentation senf::console::root() .doc("This is someServer server"); // Add a command senf::console::root() .add("mycommand", &mycommand) .doc("If is given, flurgle the , otherwise burgle it") .arg("foo") .arg(kw::name = "bar", kw::default_value = 0); // Start the interactive console server senf::console::Server::start(senf::INet4SocketAddress(senf::INet4Address::None, 23232u)) .name("someServer"); } \endcode after this registration, the console can be accessed easily via telnet:
    $ telnet localhost 23232
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'
    xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx.xxxxxx-0000 [NOTICE][senf::console::Server] Registered new client 0xxxxxxx
    someServer:/# ls
    someServer:/# mycommand
    !! Important message  ...
    someServer:/# exit
    xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx.xxxxxx-0000 [NOTICE][senf::console::Server] Disposing client 0xxxxxxx
    Connection closed by foreign host.
\see \ref console_testserver for a complete example application \section intro_init Initialization To make the console accessible, it must be initialized when the program is started: \code #include int main(int argc, char * argv []) { // Configure console nodes, add commands ... // Start console server senf::console::start(senf::INet4SocketAddress(12345u)) .name("myserver"); // You need to enter the scheduler main-loop for the server to work senf::Scheduler::instance().process(); // Alternatively enter the main-loop via the PPI // senf::ppi::run(); } \endcode This will start the server on IPv4 port 12345. The servers name (as displayed in the interactive console prompt) is set to 'myserver'. After launching the application, the server can be accessed at the given port: \htmlonly
    bash$ telnet localhost 12345
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.

    myserver:/$ exit
    Connection closed by foreign host.
\endhtmlonly \section intro_nodes The node tree The basic idea is, that the console/config library manages a directory structure of parameters and auxiliary commands. Parameters are just commands which set a parameter value so everything is either a directory entry (senf::console::DirectoryNode) or a command (senf::console::CommandNode). \see \ref node_tree \section intro_commands Registering console/config commands The console/config language does not define, how arguments are passed to the commands, it just tokenizes the input and passes the tokens to the commands which then handle the conversion. Since parsing the tokens into something usable is quite tedious and error prone, the library implements automatic argument parsing where the argument tokens are automatically parsed depending on argument types. This enables you to register a command taking an integer argument which will be called with an already parsed integer value (or throw a senf::console::SyntaxErrorException if the conversion fails). This will be the most often used command. \see \ref console_commands \section intro_language The console/config language To call the commands and set parameters, a very simple language is defined. The language is almost declarative (e.g. it does not have any control-flow statements) but is processed imperatively from top to bottom. This is very simple and flexible. Commands are referenced by their path in the node tree. To simplify working with deeply nested directory structures, the current directory may be changed persistently or temporarily for some commands. \code /server/port 1234; /logger/targets/console { accept senf::log::Debug IMPORTANT; accept server::ServerLog CRITICAL; } \endcode \see \ref console_parser \section console_misc Further features \subsection console_serverclient Server and Client objects The senf::console::Server and senf::console::Client objects offer further API calls. To access the server instance you need to store away the senf::console::Server reference returned when starting the server so you can later refer to it: \code int main(int, char**) { senf::console::Server & server ( senf::console::start( ... ) ); // Do something ... server.stop() } \endcode The client instance can be accessed via the \c std::ostream arg of any command callback \code void someCallback(std::ostream & os, ... ) { senf::console::Client & client (senf::console::Client::get(os)); // Use the client's log target client.route(); } \endcode \see senf::console::Server for the Server API \n senf::console::Client / List of all members for the Client API \subsection console_shell Features of the interactive console shell The interactive shell will use the GNU readline library for the first connected instance. Further users will not have access to this functionality since GNU readline is completely non-reentrant. The shell supports auto-cd and auto-completion: If you enter the name of a directory at the prompt, the console will change to that directory. With auto-completion, any unique beginning of a path component will be completed automatically and transparently to th corresponding full name. */ /** \defgroup console_commands Supported command types The Console/config library supports quite a number of different command types. All these types of command are registered, by passing them to DirectoryNode::add() \autotoc \section console_cmdadd Adding commands and setting attributes Basically, all commands are added using senf::console::DirectoryNode::add(). What exactly happens depends on the type of object added. \code dir.add("name", callback) \endcode will add a command 'name' which will execute 'callback' when called, where 'callback' can be a lot of things as documented in the following chapters. The add call always returns (something which can be used as) a reference to the command node added: \code senf::console::CommandNode & node ( dir.add( ... ) ); \endcode Depending on the object added, you can also bind to a more specific node type (e.g. senf::console::SimpleCommand) if you know the type of node returned. Depending on the type of object added, there are additional attributes which can be set. These attributes are always set by calling them on the return value before saving that value as a node reference. It is \e not guaranteed, you can call these members on the node reference. \code dir.add("name", callback) .doc("The documentation"); \endcode sets the \e doc attribute (if that is available, otherwise this will fail to compile). The attribute members return value is again (something which can be used as) a reference to the command node \code senf::console::CommandNode & node ( dir.add("name", callback) .doc("The documentation") ); \endcode \section console_manualparse Manually parsing command arguments This is the most primitive type of command. It will be called with an output stream and with a senf::console::ParseCommandInfo reference which holds information about the command parsed. From this information the command callback gets a list of arguments or tokens which then can be interpreted in an arbitrary way. \code void fun1(std::ostream & os, senf::console::ParseCommandInfo const & command) { ParseCommandInfo::ArgumentsRange args (command.arguments()); ParseCommandInfo::ArgumentsRange::iterator arg (args.begin()); // Check that we are not missing our argument if (arg == args.end()) raise senf::console::SyntaxErrorException("invalid number of arguments"); senf::console::ParseCommandInfo::TokensRange & arg1Tokens ( *(arg++) ); // Check that we don't have additional arguments if (arg != args.end()) raise senf::console::SyntaxErrorException("invalid number of arguments"); // The argument must have exactly one token if (arg1Tokens.size() != 1) raise senf::console::SyntaxErrorException("argument syntax error"); // Retrieve the token value std::string arg (argTokens[0].value()); // In this example, we just write the argument to the output stream os << arg << std::endl; } \endcode Registering this callback is done by simply adding it. To provide online help, pass it to 'doc()': \code senf::console::root() .add("test1", &fun1) .doc("Usage:\n" " test1 arg\n" "\n" "Echo 'arg' to the console"); \endcode The callback may now be called interactively on the console by it's registered name: \htmlonly
    server:/$ test1
    invalid number of arguments
    server:/$ test1 stefan@j32.de
    server:/$ test1 (echo me)
    argument syntax error
    server:/$ help test1
        test1 arg

    Echo 'arg' to the console
\endhtmlonly As you can see above, the arguments and tokens are returned as boost::iterator_range instances. These behave much like containers: They have \c begin() and \c end() and some other useful members. The parser will have divided the argument tokens into arguments already. This simplifies further parsing. If however you want to access the list of argument tokens as a single list, you can do so using senf::console::ParseCommandInfo::tokens(). Parsing arguments is quite simple but can get very tedious. To simplify this task, the parsing can be delegated to the Console/config library. See the next section. This type of command has only a single attribute, \e doc to set the commands documentation. \section console_autoparse Automatic argument parsing To greatly simplify parsing complex commands, we turn to automatic argument parsing. \subsection console_autoadd Adding Automatically parsed commands are registered by just adding a callback which has the correct arguments and return-value defined: \code std::string fun2(std::string const & arg) { return arg; } \endcode This extremely simple callback may be registered by adding it to a senf::console::DirectoryNode. \code senf::console::root() .add("test2", &fun2); \endcode The functionality is now identical to \c test1: \htmlonly
    server:/$ test2
    invalid number of arguments
    server:/$ test2 stefan@j32.de
    server:/$ test2 (echo me)
    argument syntax error
    server:/$ help test2
        test2 arg11:string
\endhtmlonly \subsection command_ostream Accessing the console stream Commands may have an optional first argument of type std::ostream &. This argument is not considered part of the real interface. When the command is executed, the callback will be passed the current consoles output stream object in this argument. With this, the callback can output arbitrary messages to the network console. \code void fun3(std::ostream & os, unsigned n, std::string text) { while (n-- > 0) os << text << std::endl; } senf::console::root() .add("test3", &fun3); \endcode This simple command can now be used thus: \htmlonly
    server:/$ test3
    invalid number of arguments
    server:/$ test3 stefan@j32.de
    invalid number of arguments
    server:/$ test3 2 ok
    server:/$ help test3
        test3 arg11:int arg12:string
\endhtmlonly \subsection command_overload Overloading Automatically parsed commands can be overloaded: You can register multiple commands under the same name. Each overload is tried in turn until no SyntaxErrorException is raised. \code senf::console::root() .add("test4", &fun3); senf::console::root() .add("test4", &fun2); \endcode And now, we can call \c test4 with one or two args:
    server:/$ test4
    invalid number of arguments
    server:/$ test4 stefan@j32.de
    server:/$ test4 2 ok
    server:/$ help test4
        1- test4 arg11:int arg12:string
        2- test4 arg21:string
One note: When taking the address of an overloaded function (member or non-member), the C++ language forces you to cast that address to one of the possible types so the compiler knows, which overload is requested. So to add a function which is overloaded in C++, each overload needs to be added explicitly, casting to the correct type: \code void over(int); void over(int,int); senf::console::root() .add("over", static_cast(&over)); senf::console::root() .add("over", static_cast(&over)); \endcode \subsection console_attributes Attributes As have seen so far, some documentation is automatically provided. We can add more info, by setting additional attributes. \code senf::console::root() .add("test5", &fun3) .doc("Echo text to the console") .overloadDoc("Repeat {arg12} for {arg11} lines"); senf::console::root() .add("test4", &fun2) .overloadDoc("Echo the {arg21} argument") \endcode This additional info is used to provide more documentation: \htmlonly
    server:/$ help test5
        1- test5 arg11:int arg12:string
        2- test5 arg21:string

    Echo text to the console

    Variant 1:
    Repeat {arg12} for {arg11} lines
    Variant 2:
    Echo the {arg21} argument
\endhtmlonly \subsection console_argattributes Argument attributes Additional attributes can be set for each parameter. They are all passed to the senf::console::ParsedArgumentAttributor::arg() attribute. \code namespace kw = senf::console::kw; senf::console::root() .add("test6", &fun3) .doc("Echo text to the console") .overloadDoc("Repeat {text} for {n} lines"); .arg( kw::name = "n", kw::description="Number of repetitions" ) .arg( kw::name = "text", kw::description="Text to output" ); senf::console::root() .add("test6", &fun2) .overloadDoc("Echo the {text} argument") .arg( kw::name = "text" ); \endcode (Sadly, there is no way to automatically find out the \e name of an argument, just it's type.) Every callback argument corresponds with a call of the \c arg() attribute. Argument attributes are set using keywords from the \ref senf::console::kw namespace. You will probably either use this namespace via a namespace alias (as above) or via a using namespace senf::console::kw declaration (but beware of name collisions). You don't need to specify any information for an argument: To skip an argument, just call \c arg() without attributes for this argument. After adding this information, the online help is much more readable \htmlonly
    server:/$ help test6
        1- test6 n:int text:string
        2- test6 text:string

        n         Number of repetitions
        text      Text to output

    Echo text to the console

    Variant 1:
    Repeat {text} for {n} lines
    Variant 2:
    Echo the {text} argument
\endhtmlonly Since most of the time, we only need to set the name and possibly a description for arguments, there is a shortcut: name and description can be specified as positional arguments in this order. So the following will give the exactly same result as above: \code namespace kw = senf::console::kw; senf::console::root() .add("test6", &fun3) .doc("Echo text to the console") .overloadDoc("Repeat for lines"); .arg("n", "Number of repetitions") .arg("text", "Text to output"); senf::console::root() .add("test6", &fun2) .overloadDoc("Echo the argument") .arg("text"); \endcode Keyword arguments should always be used if additional attributes are set. You can however mix positional and keyword arguments. \subsection console_defaults Default values Another information which can not be automatically gathered from the type system is default values. These have to be declared explicitly: \code namespace kw = senf::console::kw; senf::console::root() .add("test7", &fun3) .doc("Echo {text} to the console, repeating {text} for {n} lines") .arg("n", "Number of repetitions", kw::default_value=1) .arg("text", "Text to output"); \endcode Default values can be used together with overloading. Default (optional) value support is quite flexible, it is not mandatory, for default values to be specified only for the trailing arguments. For the exact definition, how parsed argument values are assigned to overload arguments in the presence of default values, see \ref senf::console::kw::default_value. \htmlonly
    server:/$ test7 echo
    server:/$ test7 4 ok
    server:/$ help test7
        test4 [n:unsigned] text:string
        n         Number of repetitions
            default: 1
        text      Text to output

    Echo {text} to the console, repeating {text} for {n} lines
\endhtmlonly \subsection console_boostfn Non-function-pointer commands It is possible to add other callable objects besides function (and member-function) pointers. However, since it is not possible to automatically deduce the argument and return types in this case, the callables have to be wrapped in a \c boost::function object: \code senf::console::root() .add("test8", boost::function( boost::bind(&fun3, _1, 4u, _2))); \endcode This works with any callable object where argument types cannot be deduced automatically: Boost.Bind expressions, Boost.Lambda expressions, functors and so on. \htmlonly
    server:/$ test8 ok
    server:/$ help test8
        test8 arg11:string
\endhtmlonly \subsection console_attr_summary Attribute summary Here a summary of the most common attributes
\link senf::console::ParsedArgumentAttributorBase::doc() .doc\endlink ( \e doc )Set documentation for all overloads
\link senf::console::ParsedArgumentAttributorBase::overloadDoc() .overloadDoc\endlink ( \e doc )Set documentation for a specific overload
\link senf::console::ParsedArgumentAttributor::arg() .arg\endlink ( \e argument \e attributes )Set argument attributes (see below)
The most important argument attributes (all defined in the senf::console::kw namespace) are:
\link senf::console::kw::name kw::name\endlinkParameter name
\link senf::console::kw::description kw::description\endlinkOne-line description of the argument
\link senf::console::kw::default_value kw::default_value\endlinkArguments default value
\see senf::console::ParsedArgumentAttributor / List of all members for the complete attribute interface \n \ref senf::console::kw for a list of all argument attribute keywords \section console_memberfn Member functions Non-static member functions are supported like non-member functions (static member functions are identical to non-members). They must however be added through a senf::console::ScopedDirectory instance to bind them to their instance. \code class Test1 { public: senf::console::ScopedDirectory dir; Test1(std::string label) : dir(this), label_ (label) { dir.add("test", &Test::test1); dir.add("test", &Test::test2); } std::string test1(std::string const & text) { return label_ + ": " + text; } void test2(std::ostream & os, unsigned n, std::string const & text) { while (n-- > 0) os << label << ": " << text << std::endl; } private: std::string label_; }; // ... Test1 test1ob ("test"); senf::console::root().add("test1ob", test1ob.dir); \endcode Binding via senf::console::ScopedDirectory ensures, that the commands are automatically removed from the tree when the object is destroyed. \section console_variables Variables \subsection console_varadd Adding The console/config library supports the direct registration of variables as commands. A variable command consists of two overloads, one to query the current value and one to change the value. \code class Test2 { public: senf::console::ScopedDirectory dir; Test2() : dir(this), var_(0) { dir.add("var", var_); } private: int var_; }; Test2 test2ob; senf::console::root().add("test2ob", test2ob.dir); \endcode This shows the most common scenario: A member variable is added to a ScopedDirectory of the same class. This ensures, that the variable command node is removed from the tree when the instance (and thereby the variable) are destroyed. The variable can now be used like any other command: \htmlonly
    server:/$ test2ob/var
    server:/$ test2ob/var 10
    server:/$ test2ob/var
    server:/$ help test2ob
        1- var new_value:int
        2- var
\endhtmlonly \subsection console_varro Read-only variables The library also supports read-only variables. To make a variable read-only, just wrap it in \c boost::cref() (where \c cref stands for \c const reference) \code int var (0); senf::console::root().add("var1", boost::cref(var)); \endcode A read-only variable only has a single overload: \htmlonly
    server:/$ var1
    server:/$ help var1
\endhtmlonly \subsection console_varattr Attributes The most important Variable command attributes are
\link senf::console::VariableAttributor::doc() .doc\endlink ( \e doc )Set variable documentation
\link senf::console::VariableAttributor::onChange() .onChange\endlink ( \e handler )Set change handler
\see senf::console::VariableAttributor for the complete attribute interface \subsection console_varchange Change notification A \e handler can be set to be called, whenever the variable is changed. It will be called with a reference to the old value. The handler is called, after the value has been changed \code int var (0); // Since this is int, it would make sense to declare the argument pass-by-value (int old) // but for more complex args, use a const & here void varChanged(int const & old) { // ... } senf::console::root().add("var2",var) .onChange(&varChanged); \endcode After this setup, \c varChanged will be called, whenever the value has changed. \section console_args Registering special argument types By default, argument types which can be read and written using \c iostreams are automatically supported. Other types need to be registered explicitly \subsection console_args_enum Registering enum types Enum types are a special case, since it is not possible, to find a string representation for the enumerator values automatically. Therefore, enum types need to be registered manually. \code enum MyEnum { Sit, Run, Jump }; SENF_CONSOLE_REGISTER_ENUM( MyEnum, (Sit)(Run)(Jump) ); MyEnum fun4(MyEnum v) { return v } senf::console::root() .add("test9", &fun4); \endcode After an enum type is registered, it can be used like any other type for arguments or return-values: \htmlonly
    server:/$ test9 Sit
    server:/$ test9 Crawl
    argument syntax error: invalid enum value
    server:/$ help test9
        test9 arg11:MyEnum
\endhtmlonly \ref SENF_CONSOLE_REGISTER_ENUM() can only be used, to register enums at namespace scope. To register enums defined within some class, use \ref SENF_CONSOLE_REGISTER_ENUM_MEMBER() \code class Test3 { public: enum Color { Red, Green, Blue }; senf::console::ScopedDirectory dir; Test3(); Color mem3(Color c) { return c } }; SENF_CONSOLE_REGISTER_ENUM_MEMBER( Test3, Color, (Red)(Green)(Blue) ); Test3::Test3() : dir(this) { dir.add("test", &MyClass::mem3); } Test3 test3ob; senf::console::root().add("test3ob", test3ob.dir); \endcode Using this command/type is identical \htmlonly
    server:/$ test3ob/test Red
    server:/$ test3ob/test White
    argument syntax error: invalid enum value
    server:/$ help test3ob/test
        test arg11:Color
\endhtmlonly \subsection console_args_custom Customizing argument and return value parsing/formatting To support or customize parsing/formatting of other types, they need to be registered. In it's simplest case, this works, by just providing an appropriate overload for senf_console_parse_argument() and senf_console_format_value(): \code struct Coordinate { Coordinate() : x(0), y(0) {} Coordinate(int x_, int y_) : x(x_), y(y_) {} int x, y; } void senf_console_parse_argument(senf::console::ParseCommandInfo::TokensRange const & tokens, Coordinate & out) { if (tokens.size() != 2) throw SyntaxErrorException("parameter syntax error"); senf::console::ArgumentTraits::parse( senf::console::ParseCommandInfo::TokensRange( tokens.begin(), tokens.begin()+1 ), out.x ) senf::console::ArgumentTraits::parse( senf::console::ParseCommandInfo::TokensRange( tokens.begin()+1, tokens.end() ), out.y ) } void senf_console_format_value(Coordinate const & value, std::ostream & os) { os << '(' << value.x << ' ' << value.y << ')'; } \endcode The parser will accept an argument with two tokens which are each forwarded to the integer parser. The formatter writes out the value as a parenthesized pair. \code Coordinate fun5(Coordinate const & p) { return Coordinate(2*p.x, 2*p.y) } namespace kw = senf::console::kw; senf::console::root() .add("test10", &fun5) .arg("x","coordinate to double", kw::default_value = Coordinate()) \endcode We can now call \c test10 with a coordinate argument: \htmlonly
    server:/$ test10 (2 7)
    (4 14)
    server:/$ help test10
        test10 [x:Coordinate]

        x         Coordinate to double
            default: (0 0)
\endhtmlonly If you want to customize the formatting of default values differently from the formating of return-values or if you want to change the displayed name of a type, you will need to specialize the senf::console::ArgumentTraits class instead of implementing senf_console_parse_argument(). See senf::console::ArgumentTraits and senf::console::ReturnValueTraits for more. */ // Local Variables: // mode: c++ // fill-column: 100 // comment-column: 40 // c-file-style: "senf" // indent-tabs-mode: nil // ispell-local-dictionary: "american" // compile-command: "scons -u test" // mode: auto-fill // End: