# -*- python -*- import sys, glob, os.path, datetime, pwd, time, fnmatch sys.path.append('senfscons') import SENFSCons ########################################################################### # This hack is needed for SCons V 0.96.1 compatibility. In current SCons versions # we can just use 'env.AlwaysBuild(env.Alias(target), [], action)' def PhonyTarget(env, target, action): env.AlwaysBuild(env.Command(target + '.phony', 'SConstruct', env.Action(action))) env.Alias(target, target + '.phony') def updateRevision(target, source, env): rev = env['ENV']['REVISION'][1:] if ':' in rev: print print "Working copy not clean. Run 'svn update'" print return 1 if 'm' in rev and not ARGUMENTS.get('force_deb'): print print "Working copy contains local changes. Commit first" print return 1 if 's' in rev: rev = rev[:-1] if 'm' in rev: rev = rev[:-1] changelog = file('debian/changelog.template').read() % { 'rev': rev, 'user': pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos.split(',')[0].strip(), 'date': time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime()) } file('debian/changelog','w').write(changelog) def nonemptyFile(f): try: return os.stat(f).st_size > 0 except OSError: return False def checkLocalConf(target, source, env): if [ True for f in env['CONFIG_FILES'] if nonemptyFile(f) ]: print print "You have made local modifications to 'SConfig' and/or 'Doxyfile.local'." print "Building a debian package would remove those files." print print "To continue, remove the offending file(s) and try again. Alternatively," print "build a source package using 'scons debsrc' and may then build debian" print "binary packages from this source-package without disrupting your print local" print "configuration." print return 1 ########################################################################### # Load utilities and setup libraries and configure build SENFSCons.UseBoost() SENFSCons.UseSTLPort() env = SENFSCons.MakeEnvironment() env.Help(""" Additional top-level build targets: prepare Create all source files not part of the repository all_tests Build and run unit tests for all modules all_docs Build documentation for all modules all Build everything install_all Install SENF into $PREFIX deb Build debian source and binary package debsrc Build debian source package debbin Build debian binary package linklint Check links of doxygen documentation with 'linklint' """) if os.environ.get('debian_build'): rev = os.popen("dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Version:/{print $2}'").read().strip() else: rev = 'r' + os.popen("svnversion").read().strip().lower() logname = os.environ.get('LOGNAME') if not logname: logname = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name def configFilesOpts(target, source, env, for_signature): return [ '-I%s' % os.path.split(f)[1] for f in env['CONFIG_FILES'] ] env.Append( CPPPATH = [ '#/include' ], LIBS = [ 'iberty', '$BOOSTREGEXLIB' ], DOXY_XREF_TYPES = [ 'bug', 'fixme', 'todo', 'idea' ], DOXY_HTML_XSL = '#/doclib/html-munge.xsl', ENV = { 'TODAY' : str(datetime.date.today()), 'REVISION' : rev, 'LOGNAME' : logname, # needed by the debian build scripts 'CONCURRENCY_LEVEL' : env.GetOption('num_jobs') or "1", 'SCONS' : 1 }, CONFIG_FILES = [ 'Doxyfile.local', 'SConfig', 'local_config.hh' ], CONFIG_FILES_OPTS = configFilesOpts, CLEAN_PATTERNS = [ '*.pyc', 'semantic.cache', '.sconsign', '.sconsign.dblite' ], BUILDPACKAGE_COMMAND = "dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot -I.svn $CONFIG_FILES_OPTS", TOP_INCLUDES = [ 'Packets', 'PPI', 'Scheduler', 'Socket', 'Utils', 'config.hh', 'local_config.hh' ] ) Export('env') # Create Doxyfile.local otherwise doxygen will barf on this non-existent file if not env.GetOption('clean') and not os.path.exists("Doxyfile.local"): Execute(Touch("Doxyfile.local")) # Create local_config.h if not env.GetOption('clean') and not os.path.exists("local_config.hh"): Execute(Touch("local_config.hh")) ########################################################################### # Define build targets # Before defining any targets, check wether this is the first build in # pristine directory tree. If so, call 'scons prepare' so the dependencies # created later are correct if not env.GetOption('clean') and not os.path.exists(".prepare-stamp") \ and not os.environ.get("SCONS"): env.Execute([ "scons prepare" ]) env.Clean('all', '.prepare-stamp') SConscript(glob.glob("*/SConscript")) SENFSCons.StandardTargets(env) SENFSCons.GlobalTargets(env) SENFSCons.Doxygen(env) SENFSCons.DoxyXRef(env, HTML_HEADER = '#/doclib/doxy-header-overview.html', HTML_FOOTER = '#/doclib/doxy-footer.html') SENFSCons.InstallIncludeFiles(env, [ 'config.hh' ]) # Build combined library 'libsenf' libsenf = env.Library( SENFSCons.LibPath('senf'), Flatten([ env.File(SENFSCons.LibPath(lib)).sources for lib in env['ALLLIBS'] ])) env.Default(libsenf) env.Clean('all', 'libsenf.a') env.Alias('default', 'libsenf.a') env.Alias('install_all', env.Install('$LIBINSTALLDIR', libsenf)) env.Clean('all', [ os.path.join(path,f) for path, subdirs, files in os.walk('.') for pattern in env['CLEAN_PATTERNS'] for f in fnmatch.filter(files,pattern) ]) PhonyTarget(env, 'deb', [ checkLocalConf, updateRevision, "$BUILDPACKAGE_COMMAND", ]) PhonyTarget(env, 'debsrc', [ updateRevision, "$BUILDPACKAGE_COMMAND -S", ]) PhonyTarget(env, 'debbin', [ checkLocalConf, updateRevision, "$BUILDPACKAGE_COMMAND -nc", ]) PhonyTarget(env, 'linklint', [ 'rm -rf linklint', 'linklint -doc linklint -net -limit 99999999 `find -type d -name html -printf "/%P/@ "`', '[ ! -r linklint/errorX.html ] || python linklint_addnames.py linklint/errorX.html.new', '[ ! -r linklint/errorX.html.new ] || mv linklint/errorX.html.new linklint/errorX.html', '[ ! -r linklint/errorAX.html ] || python linklint_addnames.py linklint/errorAX.html.new', '[ ! -r linklint/errorAX.html.new ] || mv linklint/errorAX.html.new linklint/errorAX.html', 'echo -e "\\nLokal link check results: linklint/index.html\\nRemote link check results: linklint/urlindex.html\\n"', ]) PhonyTarget(env, 'fixlinks', [ 'python doclib/fix-links.py -v -s .svn -s linklint -s debian linklint/errorX.txt linklint/errorAX.txt', ]) PhonyTarget(env, 'prepare', []) env.Clean('all', env.Dir('linklint')) env.Clean('all','.prepare-stamp') if not env.GetOption('clean') and not os.path.exists(".prepare-stamp"): Execute(Touch(".prepare-stamp"))