namespace senf { /** \mainpage The SENF Scheduler Library The Scheduler library provides a simple yet flexible abstraction of the standard asynchronous UNIX mainloop utilizing \c select or \c poll. The Scheduler library is based on the highly efficient (but linux specific) \c epoll() system call. The library provides \li a central \ref Scheduler singleton and \li \ref ReadHelper and \ref WriteHelper templates to simplify common tasks. In it's current incarnation, the library only supports network file handles (including pipes etc) and simple timers (especially it does not support asynchronous notification for on-disc file transfers etc). Additional features will be added: \li UNIX signal support \li async IO support for local (disc) file handles \li multi threading support \li IPC support for multithreaded applications */ } // Local Variables: // mode: c++ // mode: flyspell // mode: auto-fill // ispell-local-dictionary: "american" // End: