// $Id$ // // Copyright (C) 2006 // Definition of non-inline template functions #include "ReadHelper.ih" // Custom includes #include #include "Utils/membind.hh" #include "Utils/Exception.hh" #include "Scheduler.hh" #define prefix_ ///////////////////////////////ct.p//////////////////////////////////////// template prefix_ satcom::lib::ReadHelper::ReadHelper(Handle handle, std::string::size_type maxSize, InternalPredicate * predicate, Callback cb) : handle_(handle), maxSize_(maxSize), predicate_(predicate), callback_(cb), errno_(0), complete_(false) { // Here we add a *static* member taking a *smart* pointer as first // argumnet instead of a simple bound-member as callback to the // scheduler. This ensures, that the refcount is at least 1 as // long as the helper is registered with the scheduler. satcom::lib::Scheduler::instance() .add(handle,boost::bind(&ReadHelper::dispatchProcess,ptr(this),_1,_2), satcom::lib::Scheduler::EV_READ); } template prefix_ void satcom::lib::ReadHelper::revoke() { ptr guard (this); // To ensure, 'this' is deleted only after this method terminates ... satcom::lib::Scheduler::instance() .remove(handle_,satcom::lib::Scheduler::EV_READ); } template prefix_ void satcom::lib::ReadHelper::dispatchProcess(ptr helper, Handle handle, satcom::lib::Scheduler::EventId event) { // since we have a 'ptr' argument, the instance cannot be deleted // before this method returns return helper->process(handle,event); } template prefix_ void satcom::lib::ReadHelper::process(Handle handle, satcom::lib::Scheduler::EventId event) { try { if (event != satcom::lib::Scheduler::EV_READ) throw SystemException(EPIPE); std::string rcv (handle.read(maxSize_ - data_.size())); data_.append(rcv); std::string::size_type n = predicate_ ? (*predicate_)(data_) : std::string::npos; if (n != std::string::npos || data_.size() >= maxSize_ || rcv.size() == 0) { complete_ = true; if (n < data_.size()) { tail_.assign(data_,n,std::string::npos); data_.erase(n); } done(); } } catch (satcom::lib::SystemException const & ex) { errno_ = ex.err; done(); } } template prefix_ void satcom::lib::ReadHelper::done() { revoke(); callback_(ptr(this)); } template template prefix_ std::string::size_type satcom::lib::ReadHelper::InternalPredicate::Dispatcher:: operator()(std::string const & data) { return predicate(data); } ///////////////////////////////ct.e//////////////////////////////////////// #undef prefix_ // Local Variables: // mode: c++ // End: