/** \mainpage The SENF Socket Library The Socket library provides a high level and object oriented abstraction of the BSD socket API. The abstraction is based on several concepts: \li The basic visible interface is a handle object (senf::FileHandle and it's derived classes) \li The socket interface relies on a policy framework to configure it's functionality \li The rest of the socket API is accessible using a classic inheritance hierarchy of protocol classes The handle/body architecture provides automatic reference counted management of socket instances, the policy framework provides highly efficient access to the most important socket functions (like reading and writing) and the inheritance hierarchy provides convenient access to the multitude of special and protocol dependent options. \see \ref usage \n \ref extend \n \ref implementation */ /** \page usage Using the Socket Library \section socket_handle The socket handle Whenever you use the socket library, what you will be dealing with are senf::FileHandle derived instances. The socket library relies on reference counting to automatically manage the underlying socket representation. This frees you of having to manage the socket lifetime explicitly. \attention It is very important, to (almost) always pass the socket handle by value. The socket handle is a very lightweight class and designed to be used like an ordinary built-in type. This is very important in combination with the policy interface. \section policy_framework The policy framework The policy framework conceptually implements a list of parallel inheritance hierarchies each covering a specific interface aspect of the socket handle. The socket handle itself only provides minimal functionality. All further functionality is relayed to a policy class, or more precisely, to a group of policy classes, one for each policy axis. The policy axis are
configures, whether a socket is addressable and if so, configures the address type
configures the type of framing the socket provides: either no framing providing a simple i/o stream or packet framing
configures,if and how the communication partner is selected
configures the readability of the socket
configures the writability of the socket
configures, if and how buffering is configured for a socket
*/ /** \page extend Extending the Library */ /** \page implementation Implementation notes \image html "../../SocketLibrary-classes.png" Class hierarchy */ // Local Variables: // mode: c++ // mode: flyspell // mode: auto-fill // ispell-local-dictionary: "american" // End: