default namespace = "" namespace py = "" include "xinclude.rnc" # There's no way to just match the text part against a Genshi Python expression # See: python.expression = text genshi.expr-type = xsd:string { minLength = "1" } genshi.xpath-type = xsd:anyURI genshi.attrib = attribute py:if { genshi.expr-type }?, attribute py:choose { text }?, attribute py:when { genshi.expr-type }?, attribute py:otherwise { text }?, attribute py:for { genshi.expr-type }?, attribute py:def { genshi.expr-type }?, attribute py:match { genshi.xpath-type}?, attribute py:with { genshi.expr-type }?, attribute py:attrs { genshi.expr-type }?, attribute py:content { text }?, attribute py:replace { genshi.expr-type }?, attribute py:strip { text }? genshi.if.attlist = attribute test { genshi.expr-type } genshi.choose.attlist = attribute test { text } genshi.when.attlist = attribute test { genshi.expr-type } genshi.for.attlist = attribute each { genshi.expr-type } genshi.def.attlist = attribute function { genshi.expr-type } genshi.with.attlist = attribute vars { genshi.expr-type } genshi.replace.attlist = attribute value { genshi.expr-type } genshi.match.attlist = attribute path { genshi.xpath-type }, attribute buffer { "true" | "false" }?, attribute once { "true" | "false" }?, attribute recursive { "true" | "false" }? genshi.choose = element py:choose { genshi.choose.attlist, genshi.model } genshi.when = element py:when { genshi.when.attlist, genshi.model } genshi.otherwise = element py:otherwise { genshi.model } genshi.if = element py:if { genshi.if.attlist, genshi.model } genshi.for = element py:for { genshi.for.attlist, genshi.model } genshi.def = element py:def { genshi.def.attlist, genshi.model } genshi.with = element py:with { genshi.with.attlist, genshi.model } genshi.match = element py:match { genshi.match.attlist, genshi.model } genshi.replace = element py:replace { genshi.replace.attlist, genshi.model } genshi.allowed.children = text genshi.class = genshi.if | genshi.choose | genshi.when | genshi.otherwise | genshi.for | genshi.def | genshi.with | genshi.match | genshi.replace | python.expression | xi.include genshi.model = genshi.class* | genshi.allowed.children*