<%perl> my $noun = 'World'; my @time = localtime; Hello <% $noun %>, % if ( $time[2] < 12 ) { good morning. % } else { good afternoon. % } <%text> Some text <%doc> Some doc <& simple_comp &> <%args> $a @b # a comment %c # another comment $d => 5 $e => $d*2 @f => ('foo', 'baz') %g => (joe => 1, bob => 2) <&| /path/to/comp &> this is the content <&| comp, arg1 => 'hi' &> filters can take arguments <&| comp &> content can include <% "tags" %> of all kinds something <& simple_comp &> <&| SELF:method1 &> subcomponents can be filters <&| compit &> <&| comp1 &> nesting is also <&| comp2 &> OK xx