README for the 'browser/images/' directory ========================================== This folder is a Zope 3 Resource Directory acting as a repository for images. Its declaration is located in 'browser/configure.zcml': An image placed in this directory (e.g. 'logo.png') can be accessed from this relative URL: "++resource++koehsel.theme.images/logo.png" Note that it might be better to register each of these resources separately if you want them to be overridable from zcml directives. The only way to override a resource in a resource directory is to override the entire directory (all elements have to be copied over). A Zope 3 browser resource declared like this in 'browser/configure.zcml': can be accessed from this relative URL: "++resource++logo.png" Notes ----- * Whatever the way they are declared (in bulk inside a resource directory or as separate resources), images registered as Zope 3 browser resources don't have all the attributes that Zope 2 image objects have (i.e. the 'title' property and the 'tag()' and 'get_size()' methods). This means that if you want the html tag of your image to be auto-generated (this is the case by default for the portal logo), you should store it in a directory that is located in the 'skins/' folder of your package, registered as a File System Directory View in the 'portal_skins' tool, and added to the layers of your skin. * Customizing/overriding images that are originally accessed from the 'portal_skins' tool (e.g. Plone default logo and icons) can be done inside that tool only. There is no known way to do it with Zope 3 browser resources. Vice versa, there is no known (easy) way to override a Zope 3 browser resource from a skin layer in 'portal_skins'.