# -*- python -*- import sys, glob, os.path, datetime, pwd, time, fnmatch, string sys.path.append(Dir('#/senfscons').abspath) sys.path.append(Dir('#/doclib').abspath) import SENFSCons, senfutil ########################################################################### # Load utilities and setup libraries and configure build env = Environment() # Load all the local SCons tools env.Tool('Doxygen', [ 'senfscons' ]) env.Tool('Dia2Png', [ 'senfscons' ]) env.Tool('PkgDraw', [ 'senfscons' ]) env.Tool('CopyToDir', [ 'senfscons' ]) env.Tool('ProgramNoScan', [ 'senfscons' ]) env.Tool('CompileCheck', [ 'senfscons' ]) env.Tool('Boost', [ 'senfscons' ]) env.Tool('BoostUnitTests', [ 'senfscons' ]) env.Help(""" Additional top-level build targets: prepare Create all source files not part of the repository all_tests Build and run unit tests for all modules all_docs Build documentation for all modules all Build everything install_all Install SENF into $PREFIX deb Build debian source and binary package debsrc Build debian source package debbin Build debian binary package linklint Check links of doxygen documentation with 'linklint' fixlinks Fix broken links in doxygen documentation valgrind Run all tests under valgrind/memcheck """) # Compile options # Options used to debug inlining: # # BEWARE: You need lots of ram to compile with these settings (approx 1G) class BuildTypeOptions: def __init__(self, var): self._var = var def __call__(self, source, target, env, for_signature): type = env['final'] and "final" or env['debug'] and "debug" or "normal" return env[self._var + "_" + type] env.Append( ENV = { 'PATH' : os.environ.get('PATH') }, CLEAN_PATTERNS = [ '*~', '#*#', '*.pyc', 'semantic.cache', '.sconsign*' ], CPPPATH = [ '#/include' ], LOCALLIBDIR = '#', LIBPATH = [ '$LOCALLIBDIR' ], LIBS = [ 'rt', '$BOOSTREGEXLIB', '$BOOSTIOSTREAMSLIB', '$BOOSTSIGNALSLIB', '$BOOSTFSLIB' ], TEST_EXTRA_LIBS = [ ], PREFIX = '/usr/local', LIBINSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX/lib', BININSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX/bin', INCLUDEINSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX/include', OBJINSTALLDIR = '$LIBINSTALLDIR', DOCINSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX/doc', CPP_INCLUDE_EXTENSIONS = [ '.h', '.hh', '.ih', '.mpp', '.cci', '.ct', '.cti' ], CPP_EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS = [ '.test.hh' ], # These options are insane. Only useful for inline debugging. Need at least 1G free RAM INLINE_OPTS_DEBUG = [ '-finline-limit=20000', '-fvisibility-inlines-hidden', '-fno-inline-functions', '-Winline' '--param','large-function-growth=10000', '--param', 'large-function-insns=10000', '--param','inline-unit-growth=10000' ], INLINE_OPTS_NORMAL = [ '-finline-limit=5000' ], INLINE_OPTS = [ '$INLINE_OPTS_NORMAL' ], CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wall', '-Woverloaded-virtual', '-Wno-long-long', '$INLINE_OPTS', '$CXXFLAGS_' ], CXXFLAGS_ = BuildTypeOptions('CXXFLAGS'), CXXFLAGS_final = [ '-O3' ], CXXFLAGS_normal = [ '-O0', '-g' ], CXXFLAGS_debug = [ '$CXXFLAGS_normal' ], CPPDEFINES = [ '$expandLogOption', '$CPPDEFINES_' ], expandLogOption = senfutil.expandLogOption, CPPDEFINES_ = BuildTypeOptions('CPPDEFINES'), CPPDEFINES_final = [ ], CPPDEFINES_normal = [ 'SENF_DEBUG' ], CPPDEFINES_debug = [ '$CPPDEFINES_normal' ], LINKFLAGS = [ '-rdynamic', '$LINKFLAGS_' ], LINKFLAGS_ = BuildTypeOptions('LINKFLAGS'), LINKFLAGS_final = [ ], LINKFLAGS_normal = [ '-Wl,-S' ], LINKFLAGS_debug = [ ], ) env.SetDefault( LIBSENF = "senf", final = 0, debug = 0, ) # Set variables from command line env.Replace(**ARGUMENTS) Export('env') # Create Doxyfile.local otherwise doxygen will barf on this non-existent file # Create it even when cleaning, to silence the doxygen builder warnings if not os.path.exists("Doxyfile.local"): Execute(Touch("Doxyfile.local")) # Create local_config.h if not env.GetOption('clean') and not os.path.exists("local_config.hh"): Execute(Touch("local_config.hh")) ########################################################################### # Define build targets # Before defining any targets, check wether this is the first build in # pristine directory tree. If so, call 'scons prepare' so the dependencies # created later are correct (yes, this is a hack :-( ) if not env.GetOption('clean') and not os.path.exists(".prepare-stamp") \ and not os.environ.get("SCONS") and COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS != [ 'prepare' ]: env.Execute([ "scons prepare" ]) env.Clean('all', '.prepare-stamp') # Load SConscripts. Need to load some first (they change the global environment) initSConscripts = [ "debian/SConscript", "doclib/SConscript", ] SConscript(initSConscripts) if os.path.exists('SConscript.local'): SConscript('SConscript.local') SConscript(list(set(glob.glob("*/SConscript")) - set(initSConscripts))) # Define the main targets SENFSCons.StandardTargets(env) SENFSCons.GlobalTargets(env) env.Depends( SENFSCons.Doxygen(env), env.Value(env['ENV']['REVISION']) ) libsenf = env.Library(env.subst("$LIBSENF$LIBADDSUFFIX"), env['ALLOBJECTS']) env.Default(libsenf) env.Clean('all', libsenf) env.Alias('default', libsenf) SENFSCons.InstallIncludeFiles(env, [ 'config.hh' ]) env.Alias('install_all', env.Install('$LIBINSTALLDIR', libsenf)) if env.GetOption('clean'): env.Clean('all', [ os.path.join(path,f) for path, subdirs, files in os.walk('.') for pattern in env['CLEAN_PATTERNS'] for f in fnmatch.filter(files,pattern) ]) SENFSCons.PhonyTarget(env, 'prepare', [ 'true' ]) SENFSCons.PhonyTarget(env, 'valgrind', [ """ find -name .test.bin | while read test; do echo; echo "Running $$test"; echo; valgrind --tool=memcheck --error-exitcode=99 --suppressions=valgrind.sup $$test $BOOSTTESTARGS; [ $$? -ne 99 ] || exit 1; done """.replace("\n"," ") ], [ 'all_tests' ]) if not env.GetOption('clean') and not os.path.exists(".prepare-stamp"): Execute(Touch(".prepare-stamp"))