# -*- python -*- Import('env') import SENFSCons ########################################################################### import yaptu def modules(): # Naja ... etwas rumgehackt aber was solls ... global EXTRA_MODULES mods = {} pathbase = len(env.Dir('#').abspath)+1 for module in env.Alias('all_docs')[0].sources: if module.name != 'html.stamp' : continue mods[module.dir.dir.dir.abspath] = [ module.dir.dir.dir.name, module.dir.abspath[pathbase:], 0 ] rv = [] keys = mods.keys() keys.sort() for mod in keys: i = 0 while i < len(rv): if len(rv[i]) > pathbase and mod.startswith(rv[i] + '/'): level = mods[rv[i]][2] + 1 i += 1 while i < len(rv) and mods[rv[i]][2] >= level: i += 1 rv[i:i] = [ mod ] mods[mod][2] = level break i += 1 if i == len(rv): rv.append(mod) for mod in keys: if mods[mod][2] == 0: mods[mod][0] = 'lib' + mods[mod][0] n = 0 for name,path in EXTRA_MODULES: path = env.Dir(path).dir.dir.abspath i = 0 while i < len(rv): if rv[i] == path: mods[rv[i]][0] = name m = 1 while i+m < len(rv) and mods[rv[i+m]][2] > mods[rv[i]][2]: m += 1 rv[n:n] = rv[i:i+m] rv[i+m:i+2*m] = [] i += m n += m else: i += 1 return ( tuple(mods[mod]) for mod in rv ) def indices(): ix = len(env.Dir('#').abspath)+1 return [ doc.dir.abspath[ix:] for doc in env.Alias('all_docs')[0].sources if doc.name == "search.idx" ] def writeTemplate(target = None, source = None, env = None): file(target[0].abspath,"w").write(yaptu.process(str(env['TEMPLATE']), globals(), env.Dictionary())) writeTemplate = env.Action(writeTemplate, varlist = [ 'TEMPLATE' ]) ########################################################################### # Extra documentation modules which are handled (named) different from # library modules EXTRA_MODULES = [ ('Overview', '#/doc/html'), ('Examples', '#/Examples/doc/html'), ('HowTos', '#/HowTos/doc/html'), ('SENFSCons', '#/senfscons/doc/html') ] HEADER = """ $title
""" FOOTER = """
""" SEARCH_PHP=""" """ SEARCH_PATHS_PHP="""""" env.Command('doxy-header.html', 'SConscript', writeTemplate, TEMPLATE = Literal(HEADER), TITLE = "Documentation and API reference") env.Command('doxy-footer.html', 'SConscript', writeTemplate, TEMPLATE = Literal(FOOTER)) env.Alias('all_docs', env.Command('search.php', [ 'html-munge.xsl', 'SConscript' ], [ writeTemplate, 'xsltproc --nonet --html --stringparam topdir .. -o - $SOURCE $TARGET 2>/dev/null' + "| sed" + r" -e 's/\[\[//g'" + r" -e 's/\$$projectname/Overview/g'" + r" -e 's/\$$title/Search results/g'" + "> ${TARGETS[0]}.tmp", 'mv ${TARGET}.tmp ${TARGET}' ], TEMPLATE = Literal(HEADER + SEARCH_PHP.replace('',']]') + FOOTER), TITLE = "Search results")) env.Alias('all_docs', env.Command('search_paths.php', 'SConscript', writeTemplate, TEMPLATE = Literal(SEARCH_PATHS_PHP))) env.Alias('install_all', env.Install( '$DOCINSTALLDIR/doclib', [ 'favicon.ico', 'logo-head.png', 'search.php', 'search_functions.php', 'search_paths.php', 'senf.css' ] )) env.Clean('all', 'doxy-header.html') # I should not need this but I do ... env.Clean('all_docs', 'doxy-header.html') # I should not need this but I do ...