// $Id$ // // Copyright (C) 2006 // Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) // // The contents of this file are subject to the Fraunhofer FOKUS Public License // Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://senf.berlios.de/license.html // // The Fraunhofer FOKUS Public License Version 1.0 is based on, // but modifies the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1. // See the full license text for the amendments. // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, // WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. // // The Original Code is Fraunhofer FOKUS code. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. // (registered association), Hansastraße 27 c, 80686 Munich, Germany. // All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): // Stefan Bund /** \file \brief FileHandle internal header */ #ifndef IH_SENF_Socket_FileHandle_ #define IH_SENF_Socket_FileHandle_ 1 // Custom includes #include #include #include //-///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace senf { class FileHandle; /** \brief FileHandle referenced body \internal The senf::FileBody class forms the body part of the handle/body structure of the FileHandle interface. It manages the FileHandle data and is referenced by senf::FileHandle. It is automatically managed using reference counting. Since the senf::FileHandle class forwards most calls directly to the underlying senf::FileBody instance, most members are documented in senf::FileHandle. \section filebody_new Writing senf::FileBody derived classes It is possible to write customized senf::FileBody derived body implementations. This implementation can then be used be a senf::FileHandle derived class to customize the FileHandle behavior. Handling the body directly by the handle class ensures, that no invalid handles can be created (a senf::FileHandle derived handle expecting a specific body type but pointing to a different body type). To customize the behavior, a virtual interface is provided. This interface only covers some basic functionality which is only used infrequently during the lifetime of a FileHandle instance. \attention Whenever a new class is derived from FileBody which adds new members, this class \e must also derive from senf::pool_alloc_mixin */ class FileBody : public senf::intrusive_refcount, public senf::pool_alloc_mixin { public: //-///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Types typedef boost::intrusive_ptr ptr; //-///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///\name Structors and default members //\{ explicit FileBody(int fd=-1); ///< Create new instance /**< You need to pass a real file descriptor to this constructor not some arbitrary id even if you overload all the virtual members. If the file descriptor is -1 the resulting body/handle is not valid() */ virtual ~FileBody(); // NO DESTRUCTOR HERE (that is, only an empty virtual destructor) - destructors and virtual // functions don't mix. What would be in the the destructor is in 'destroyClose()' which is // called from FileHandle::~FileHandle() *before* the last handle dies. // no copy // no conversion constructors //\} //-///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FileHandle handle(); int fd() const; void fd(int fd); void close(); void terminate(); void destroyClose(); bool readable() const; bool waitReadable(senf::ClockService::clock_type timeout) const; bool writeable() const; bool waitWriteable(senf::ClockService::clock_type timeout) const; bool oobReadable() const; bool waitOOBReadable(senf::ClockService::clock_type timeout) const; bool blocking() const; void blocking(bool status); bool eof() const; bool valid() const; private: //-///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Virtual interface for subclasses to override virtual void v_close(); ///< Called to close the file descriptor /**< You should probably always call the global ::close() function in this member, however you might want to do some additional cleanup here. If the operation fails, you are allowed to throw (preferably a senf::SystemException). \throws senf::SystemException */ virtual void v_terminate(); ///< Called to forcibly close the file descriptor /**< This member is called by the destructor (and by terminate()) to close the descriptor. This member must \e never throw, it should probably just ignore error conditions (there's not much else you can do) */ virtual bool v_eof() const; ///< Called by eof() virtual bool v_valid() const; ///< Called by valid() /**< This member is only called, if the file descriptor is not -1 */ protected: private: bool pollCheck(int fd, bool incoming, int timeout, bool oob=false) const; int fd_; }; } //-///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // Local Variables: // mode: c++ // fill-column: 100 // c-file-style: "senf" // indent-tabs-mode: nil // ispell-local-dictionary: "american" // compile-command: "scons -u test" // comment-column: 40 // End: