3 import sys, glob, os.path, datetime, pwd, time, fnmatch
4 sys.path.append('senfscons')
7 ###########################################################################
9 # This hack is needed for SCons V 0.96.1 compatibility. In current SCons versions
10 # we can just use 'env.AlwaysBuild(env.Alias(target), [], action)'
11 def PhonyTarget(env, target, action, sources=[]):
12 env.AlwaysBuild(env.Command(target + '.phony', [ 'SConstruct' ] + sources, env.Action(action)))
13 env.Alias(target, target + '.phony')
15 def updateRevision(target, source, env):
16 rev = env['ENV']['REVISION'][1:]
19 print "Working copy not clean. Run 'svn update'"
22 if 'm' in rev and not ARGUMENTS.get('force_deb'):
24 print "Working copy contains local changes. Commit first"
31 changelog = file('debian/changelog.template').read() % {
33 'user': pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos.split(',')[0].strip(),
34 'date': time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime()) }
35 file('debian/changelog','w').write(changelog)
38 try: return os.stat(f).st_size > 0
39 except OSError: return False
41 def checkLocalConf(target, source, env):
42 if [ True for f in env['LOCAL_CONFIG_FILES'] if nonemptyFile(f) ]:
44 print "You have made local modifications to one of the following local configuration"
46 for f in env['LOCAL_CONFIG_FILES']:
49 print "Building a debian package would remove those files."
51 print "To continue, remove the offending file(s) and try again. Alternatively,"
52 print "build a source package using 'scons debsrc' and may then build debian"
53 print "binary packages from this source-package without disrupting your local"
54 print "configuration."
58 def getLibDepends(script):
60 return os.popen("perl -0777 -n -e '$,=\" \"; print $1=~m/'\"'\"'([^'\"'\"']*)'\"'\"'/g if /LIBS\s*=\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/' %s" % script).read().split()
62 # Original topological sort code written by Ofer Faigon
63 # (www.bitformation.com) and used with permission
64 def topological_sort(items, partial_order):
65 """Perform topological sort.
66 items is a list of items to be sorted.
67 partial_order is a list of pairs. If pair (a,b) is in it, it means
68 that item a should appear before item b.
69 Returns a list of the items in one of the possible orders, or None
70 if partial_order contains a loop.
72 def add_node(graph, node):
73 if not graph.has_key(node):
75 def add_arc(graph, fromnode, tonode):
76 graph[fromnode].append(tonode)
77 graph[tonode][0] = graph[tonode][0] + 1
81 for a,b in partial_order:
83 roots = [node for (node,nodeinfo) in graph.items() if nodeinfo[0] == 0]
84 while len(roots) != 0:
87 for child in graph[root][1:]:
88 graph[child][0] = graph[child][0] - 1
89 if graph[child][0] == 0:
92 if len(graph.items()) != 0:
93 raise RuntimeError, "Loop detected in partial_order"
95 ###########################################################################
96 # Load utilities and setup libraries and configure build
99 SENFSCons.UseSTLPort()
100 env = SENFSCons.MakeEnvironment()
103 Additional top-level build targets:
105 prepare Create all source files not part of the repository
106 all_tests Build and run unit tests for all modules
107 all_docs Build documentation for all modules
109 install_all Install SENF into $PREFIX
110 deb Build debian source and binary package
111 debsrc Build debian source package
112 debbin Build debian binary package
113 linklint Check links of doxygen documentation with 'linklint'
114 fixlinks Fix broken links in doxygen documentation
115 valgrind Run all tests under valgrind/memcheck
118 if os.environ.get('debian_build'):
119 rev = os.popen("dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Version:/{print $2}'").read().strip()
121 rev = 'r' + os.popen("svnversion").read().strip().lower()
123 logname = os.environ.get('LOGNAME')
125 logname = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name
127 def configFilesOpts(target, source, env, for_signature):
128 return [ '-I%s' % os.path.split(f)[1] for f in env['LOCAL_CONFIG_FILES'] ]
131 CPPPATH = [ '#/include' ],
132 LIBS = [ 'iberty', '$BOOSTREGEXLIB', '$BOOSTFSLIB' ],
133 DOXY_XREF_TYPES = [ 'bug', 'fixme', 'todo', 'idea' ],
134 DOXY_HTML_XSL = '#/doclib/html-munge.xsl',
135 ENV = { 'TODAY' : str(datetime.date.today()),
137 'LOGNAME' : logname, # needed by the debian build scripts
138 'CONCURRENCY_LEVEL' : env.GetOption('num_jobs') or "1",
141 LOCAL_CONFIG_FILES = [ 'Doxyfile.local', 'SConfig', 'local_config.hh' ],
142 CONFIG_FILES_OPTS = configFilesOpts,
143 CLEAN_PATTERNS = [ '*.pyc', 'semantic.cache', '.sconsign', '.sconsign.dblite' ],
144 BUILDPACKAGE_COMMAND = "dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot -I.svn $CONFIG_FILES_OPTS",
145 TOP_INCLUDES = [ 'Packets', 'PPI', 'Scheduler', 'Socket', 'Utils',
146 'config.hh', 'local_config.hh' ],
155 # Create Doxyfile.local otherwise doxygen will barf on this non-existent file
156 if not env.GetOption('clean') and not os.path.exists("Doxyfile.local"):
157 Execute(Touch("Doxyfile.local"))
159 # Create local_config.h
160 if not env.GetOption('clean') and not os.path.exists("local_config.hh"):
161 Execute(Touch("local_config.hh"))
163 ###########################################################################
164 # Define build targets
166 # Before defining any targets, check wether this is the first build in
167 # pristine directory tree. If so, call 'scons prepare' so the dependencies
168 # created later are correct
170 if not env.GetOption('clean') and not os.path.exists(".prepare-stamp") \
171 and not os.environ.get("SCONS") and COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS != [ 'prepare' ]:
172 env.Execute([ "scons prepare" ])
174 env.Clean('all', '.prepare-stamp')
176 # Not nice, but until we get to fixing the dependency jungle
177 # concerning generated sources ...
181 for script in glob.glob("*/SConscript"):
182 depends = getLibDepends(script)
183 script = script.split('/',1)[0]
184 scripts.append(script)
185 dependencies += [ (dep, script) for dep in depends ]
187 for subdir in topological_sort(scripts, dependencies):
188 SConscript(os.path.join(subdir, "SConscript"))
190 SENFSCons.StandardTargets(env)
191 SENFSCons.GlobalTargets(env)
192 SENFSCons.Doxygen(env)
193 SENFSCons.DoxyXRef(env,
194 HTML_HEADER = '#/doclib/doxy-header-overview.html',
195 HTML_FOOTER = '#/doclib/doxy-footer.html')
197 SENFSCons.InstallIncludeFiles(env, [ 'config.hh' ])
199 # Build combined library 'libsenf'
200 libsenf = env.Library(
201 SENFSCons.LibPath(env['LIBSENF']),
202 Flatten([ env.File(SENFSCons.LibPath(lib)).sources for lib in env['ALLLIBS'] ]))
204 env.Clean('all', libsenf)
205 env.Alias('default', libsenf)
207 env.Alias('install_all', env.Install('$LIBINSTALLDIR', libsenf))
209 env.Clean('all', [ os.path.join(path,f)
210 for path, subdirs, files in os.walk('.')
211 for pattern in env['CLEAN_PATTERNS']
212 for f in fnmatch.filter(files,pattern) ])
214 PhonyTarget(env, 'deb', [
220 PhonyTarget(env, 'debsrc', [
225 PhonyTarget(env, 'debbin', [
229 "fakeroot ./debian/rules debclean"
232 PhonyTarget(env, 'linklint', [
234 'linklint -doc linklint -limit 99999999 `find -type d -name html -printf "/%P/@ "`',
235 '[ ! -r linklint/errorX.html ] || python doclib/linklint_addnames.py <linklint/errorX.html >linklint/errorX.html.new',
236 '[ ! -r linklint/errorX.html.new ] || mv linklint/errorX.html.new linklint/errorX.html',
237 '[ ! -r linklint/errorAX.html ] || python doclib/linklint_addnames.py <linklint/errorAX.html >linklint/errorAX.html.new',
238 '[ ! -r linklint/errorAX.html.new ] || mv linklint/errorAX.html.new linklint/errorAX.html',
239 'echo -e "\\nLokal link check results: linklint/index.html\\nRemote link check results: linklint/urlindex.html\\n"',
242 PhonyTarget(env, 'fixlinks', [
243 'python doclib/fix-links.py -v -s .svn -s linklint -s debian linklint/errorX.txt linklint/errorAX.txt',
246 PhonyTarget(env, 'prepare', [])
248 PhonyTarget(env, 'valgrind', [
249 'find -name .test.bin | while read test; do echo; echo "Running $$test"; echo; valgrind --tool=memcheck --error-exitcode=99 --suppressions=valgrind.sup $$test $BOOSTTESTARGS; [ $$? -ne 99 ] || exit 1; done'
252 env.Clean('all', env.Dir('linklint'))
254 env.Clean('all','.prepare-stamp')
255 if not env.GetOption('clean') and not os.path.exists(".prepare-stamp"):
256 Execute(Touch(".prepare-stamp"))