update font-lock keywords to include some C++11/14 stuff
[emacs-init.git] / nxhtml / tests / in / bastien-test.mm
1 <map version="0.9.0">
2 <!-- To view this file, download free mind mapping software FreeMind from http://freemind.sourceforge.net -->
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5   <head>
7   </head>
8   <body>
9     <p>
10       --org-mode: WHOLE FILE
11     </p>
12   </body>
13 </html>
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15 <node CREATED="1248161883687" MODIFIED="1248161883687" POSITION="left" TEXT="Bonjour">
16 <node CREATED="1248161883687" MODIFIED="1248161883687" TEXT="Ceci est un test">
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22 p { margin-top: 0 }
23 -->
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26 <body>
27 <p><br/> lkxjdflkdsz _lskfdsdf_ alskdjf<br/></p>
28 </body>
29 </html></richcontent>
30 <richcontent TYPE="NOTE"><html><head/><body><p>-- This is more about "Ceci est un test" --</p></body></html></richcontent>
31 </node>
32 </node>
33 </node>
34 <node CREATED="1248161883687" HGAP="-88" ID="ID_901848166" MODIFIED="1248162974171" POSITION="right" TEXT="Rebonjour" VSHIFT="76">
35 <node CREATED="1248161883687" HGAP="85" ID="ID_1570634894" MODIFIED="1248162978203" TEXT="Ceci est un autre test" VSHIFT="-109"/>
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38 </map>