Socket: Renamed all protocol classes and files to end in SocketProtocol
[senf.git] / senf.dict
1 acceptfrom
2 accessor
3 ActiveConnector
4 ActiveFeeder
5 ActiveFeederSink
6 ActiveFeederSource
7 ActiveInput
8 ActiveOutput
9 ActiveSink
10 ActiveSocketReader
11 ActiveSource
12 addr
13 AddressingPolicy
14 AddressingPolicyBase
15 AddressParser
16 addtogroup
17 aListCollection
18 alloc
19 API
20 arg
21 argc
22 args
23 argv
24 async
25 Augustin
26 autoThrottling
27 autotoc
28 aVectorCollection
29 BaseParser
30 berlios
31 bitfield
32 bool
33 bund
34 calculateChecksum
35 callback
36 callbacks
37 catched
38 cb
39 cc
40 cd
41 cerr
42 cfi
43 checksumEnabled
44 checksumPresent
46 ClientSocketHandle
47 CloneSource
48 CommunicationPolicy
49 CommunicationPolicyBase
50 ConcretePacket
51 conf
53 ConnectedCommunicationPolicy
54 ConnectedRawV
55 ConnectedUDPv
56 const
57 createAfter
58 createBefore
59 DatagramSection
60 DataPacket
61 dd
62 de
63 DebugModules
64 decapsulated
65 DefaultArea
66 DefaultBundle
67 defaultInit
68 defgroup
69 deque
70 dil
71 disableChecksum
72 dl
73 DNS
74 dontinclude
75 dox
76 doxyfile
77 doxygen
78 DSMCCSection
79 dt
80 ElementParser
81 enableChecksum
82 endcode
83 endif
84 enum
85 eof
87 errno
88 ErrnoException
89 ErrorException
90 eth
91 ethernet
92 EthernetPacket
93 EthernetPacketType
94 EthernetParser
95 ethertype
96 EtherTypes
97 EthVLan
98 EUI
100 EventBinding
101 EventDescriptor
102 EventFlags
103 EventId
104 EventImplementation
105 EventManager
106 eventsPerInterval
107 EventType
108 ExampleListPolicy
109 ExampleVariantPolicy
110 ExampleVectorPolicy
111 ExtendedParser
112 FFFF
113 FileBody
114 filebody
115 FileHandle
116 findNext
117 findPrev
118 fixme
119 fixvariant
120 fokus
121 foo
122 FooParser
123 ForwardingRoute
124 fraunhofer
125 FroblizerArea
126 GlobalScope
127 gre
128 GREPacket
129 GREPacketParser
130 GREPacketType
131 GREPackeType
132 GREParser
133 hangup
134 HangupException
135 hh
136 hideinitializer
137 Hmm
138 hostname
139 hostnames
140 howto
141 HowTo
142 hpp
143 href
144 htm
145 html
146 http
147 iana
148 ias
149 IdleEvent
150 ietf
151 ifndef
152 ih
153 impl
154 INet
155 ingroup
156 init
157 initHeadSize
158 initSize
159 inline
160 InputConnector
161 inputSocket
162 Institut
163 int
164 IntervalTimer
165 IntField
166 InvalidPacketChainException
167 io
168 IOEvent
169 IOEventInfo
170 ios
171 iostream
172 ip
173 IpChecksum
174 IpTypes
175 IpV
176 ipv
177 IPv
178 IPX
179 isock
180 iterator
181 join
182 key
183 li
184 libPacket
185 libPackets
186 LinkScope
187 ListB
188 ListN
189 ListPolicy
190 localhost
191 loopback
192 mac
193 MACAddress
194 MACAddressParser
195 mainpage
196 mixin
197 MPEGDVBBundle
198 multicast
199 MyList
200 MyParser
201 MyVariant
202 MyVariantPolicy
203 MyVector
204 namespace
205 nc
206 netcat
207 NETwork
208 newpacket
209 NextPacket
210 nextPacketKey
211 nextPacketRange
212 nextPacketType
213 NIS
214 NoAddressingPolicy
215 noinit
216 noroute
217 nothrow
218 offene
219 Ok
220 onRequest
221 onThrottle
222 onUnthrottle
223 Ooops
224 OptFields
225 optionalFields
226 org
227 os
228 osock
229 ostream
230 OtherPacket
231 OtherPacketType
232 OutputConnector
233 outputRequest
234 outputSocket
235 OverlayField
236 PacketData
237 PacketImpl
238 PacketInterpreter
239 PacketInterpreterBase
240 packetparser
241 PacketParser
242 PacketParserBase
243 packetparsermacros
244 PacketParsers
245 PacketRegistry
246 PacketSocketHandle
247 PacketType
248 PacketTypeBase
249 PacketTypeMixin
250 PacketTypeNotRegistered
251 param
252 ParseArray
253 parsecollection
254 ParseHelpers
255 parseint
256 ParseInt
257 ParseList
258 ParseListB
259 ParseListN
260 parseNextAs
261 parserlanguage
262 parsermacrofields
263 parsermacroinit
264 parsermacrooffset
265 parsermacrosbitfields
266 ParseVariant
267 ParseVec
268 PassiveConnector
269 PassiveInput
270 PassiveJoin
271 PassiveOutput
272 PassiveQueue
273 PassiveSink
274 PassiveSocketWriter
275 PassiveSource
276 png
277 ppi
278 pre
279 prev
280 PriorityJoin
281 protocolbundle
282 protocolbundles
283 protocolType
284 py
285 QueueingDiscipline
286 queueSize
287 RateFilter
288 rateFilter
289 ratefilter
290 RateStuffer
291 ratestuffer
292 RawINetProtocol
293 RawV
294 refcount
295 registerEvent
296 registerPacket
297 registerPacketType
298 registerSomePacket
299 RegistrationProxy
300 rerference
301 rfc
302 RO
303 RP
304 SafePacketParser
305 SatCom
306 Satelitenkommunikation
307 scons
308 ScopeId
309 screenshot
310 sec
311 senf
312 senfscons
313 ServerSocketHandle
314 setBegin
315 setEnd
316 setfill
317 setFromPosition
318 setw
319 SimplePacketType
320 SimpleVectorSizer
321 SiteScope
322 SizeParser
323 skipline
324 SocketAddress
325 SocketHandle
326 SocketProtocol
327 SomeEvent
328 SomeEventArg
329 someField
330 SomeModule
331 someOtherField
332 SomePacket
333 SomePacketParser
334 SomePacketType
335 SomeParser
336 SomeRegistryTag
337 SomeTag
338 someVector
339 ssi
340 std
341 stefan
342 STL
343 strerror
344 struct
345 structors
346 SyntaxException
347 SystemException
348 TapSocketHandle
349 td
350 templated
351 ThresholdQueueing
352 ThrottleBarrier
353 todo
354 tr
355 TruncatedPacketException
356 tt
357 ttl
358 TunTapSocketHandle
359 TypeA
360 TypeB
361 typeField
362 udp
363 UDPPacket
364 udpReader
365 udpWriter
366 UInt
367 UIntField
368 UIntFieldParser
369 Unhandled
370 unicast
371 unthrottle
372 unthrottled
373 unthrottles
374 unthrottling
375 Utils
376 VectorN
377 Ver
378 vlanId
379 VLanId
380 VoidPacketParser
381 www
382 xyz