+++ /dev/null
-Using a custom buildout
-Note: If you are using Windows, if you do not have PIL installed, or you are
-not using Python 2.4 as your main system Python, please see the relevant
-sections below.
-You probably got here by running something like:
- $ paster create -t plone3_buildout
-Now, you need to run:
- $ python bootstrap.py
-This will install zc.buildout for you.
-To create an instance immediately, run:
- $ bin/buildout
-This will download Plone's eggs and products for you, as well as other
-dependencies, create a new Zope 2 installation (unless you specified
-an existing one when you ran "paster create"), and create a new Zope instance
-configured with these products.
-You can start your Zope instance by running:
- $ bin/instance start
-or, to run in foreground mode:
- $ bin/instance fg
-To run unit tests, you can use:
- $ bin/instance test -s my.package
-Installing PIL
-To use Plone, you need PIL, the Python Imaging Library. If you don't already
-have this, download and install it from http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil.
-Using a different Python installation
-Buildout will use your system Python installation by default. However, Zope
-2.10 (and by extension, Plone) will only work with Python 2.4. You can verify
-which version of Python you have, by running:
- $ python -V
-If that is not a 2.4 version, you need to install Python 2.4 from
-http://python.org. If you wish to keep another version as your main system
-Python, edit buildout.cfg and add an 'executable' option to the "[buildout]"
-section, pointing to a python interpreter binary:
- [buildout]
- ...
- executable = /path/to/python
-Working with buildout.cfg
-You can change any option in buildout.cfg and re-run bin/buildout to reflect
-the changes. This may delete things inside the 'parts' directory, but should
-keep your Data.fs and source files intact.
-To save time, you can run buildout in "offline" (-o) and non-updating (-N)
-mode, which will prevent it from downloading things and checking for new
-versions online:
- $ bin/buildout -Nov
-Creating new eggs
-New packages you are working on (but which are not yet released as eggs and
-uploaded to the Python Package Index, aka PYPI) should be placed in src. You can do:
- $ cd src/
- $ paster create -t plone my.package
-Use "paster create --list-templates" to see all available templates. Answer
-the questions and you will get a new egg. Then tell buildout about your egg
-by editing buildout.cfg and adding your source directory to 'develop':
- [buildout]
- ...
- develop =
- src/my.package
-You can list multiple packages here, separated by whitespace or indented
-You probably also want the Zope instance to know about the package. Add its
-package name to the list of eggs in the "[instance]" section, or under the
-main "[buildout]" section:
- [instance]
- ...
- eggs =
- ${buildout:eggs}
- ${plone:eggs}
- my.package
-Leave the ${buildout:eggs} part in place - it tells the instance to use the
-eggs that buildout will have downloaded from the Python Package Index
-If you also require a ZCML slug for your package, buildout can create one
-automatically. Just add the package to the 'zcml' option:
- [instance]
- ...
- zcml =
- my.package
-When you are finished, re-run buildout. Offline, non-updating mode should
- $ bin/buildout -Nov
-Developing old-style products
-If you are developing old-style Zope 2 products (not eggs) then you can do so
-by placing the product code in the top-level 'products' directory. This is
-analogous to the 'Products/' directory inside a normal Zope 2 instance and is
-scanned on start-up for new products.
-Depending on a new egg
-If you want to use a new egg that is in the Python Package Index, all you need
-to do is to add it to the "eggs" option under the main "[buildout]" section:
- [buildout]
- ...
- eggs =
- my.package
-If it's listed somewhere else than the Python Package Index, you can add a link
-telling buildout where to find it in the 'find-links' option:
- [buildout]
- ...
- find-links =
- http://dist.plone.org
- http://download.zope.org/distribution/
- http://effbot.org/downloads
- http://some.host.com/packages
-Using existing old-style products
-If you are using an old-style (non-egg) product, you can either add it as an
-automatically downloaded archive or put it in the top-level "products" folder.
-The former is probably better, because it means you can redistribute your
-buildout.cfg more easily:
- [productdistros]
- recipe = plone.recipe.distros
- urls =
- http://plone.org/products/someproduct/releases/1.3/someproduct-1.3.tar.gz
-If someproduct-1.3.tar.gz extracts into several products inside a top-level
-directory, e.g. SomeProduct-1.3/PartOne and SomeProduct-1.3/PartTwo, then
-add it as a "nested package":
- [productdistros]
- recipe = plone.recipe.distros
- urls =
- http://plone.org/products/someproduct/releases/1.3/someproduct-1.3.tar.gz
- nested-packages =
- someproduct-1.3.tar.gz
-Alternatively, if it extracts to a directory which contains the version
-number, add it as a "version suffix package":
- [productdistros]
- recipe = plone.recipe.distros
- urls =
- http://plone.org/products/someproduct/releases/1.3/someproduct-1.3.tar.gz
- version-suffix-packages =
- someproduct-1.3.tar.gz
-You can also track products by adding a new bundle checkout part. It
-doesn't strictly have to be an svn bundle at all, any svn location will do,
-and cvs is also supported:
- [buildout]
- ...
- parts =
- plone
- zope2
- productdistros
- myproduct
- instance
- zopepy
-Note that "myproduct" comes before the "instance" part. You then
-need to add a new section to buildout.cfg:
- [myproduct]
- recipe = plone.recipe.bundlecheckout
- url = http://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/myproduct/trunk
-Finally, you need to tell Zope to find this new checkout and add it to its
-list of directories that are scanned for products:
- [instance]
- ...
- products =
- ${buildout:directory}/products
- ${productdistros:location}
- ${plonebundle:location}
- ${myproduct:location}
-Without this last step, the "myproduct" part is simply managing an svn
-checkout and could potentially be used for something else instead.
-Using Windows
-To use buildout on Windows, you will need to install a few dependencies which
-other platforms manage on their own.
-Here are the steps you need to follow (thanks to Hanno Schlichting for these):
-Python (http://python.org)
- - Download and install Python 2.4.4 using the Windows installer from
- http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.4.4/python-2.4.4.msi
- Select 'Install for all users' and it will put Python into the
- "C:\Python24" folder by default.
- - You also want the pywin32 extensions available from
- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/pywin32/pywin32-210.win32-py2.4.exe?modtime=1159009237&big_mirror=0
- - And as a last step you want to download the Python imaging library available
- from http://effbot.org/downloads/PIL-1.1.6.win32-py2.4.exe
- - If you develop Zope based applications you will usually only need Python 2.4
- at the moment, so it's easiest to put the Python binary on the systems PATH,
- so you don't need to specify its location manually each time you call it.
- Thus, put "C:\Python24" and "C:\Python24\Scripts" onto the PATH. You can
- find the PATH definition in the control panel under system preferences on
- the advanced tab at the bottom. The button is called environment variables.
- You want to add it at the end of the already existing PATH in the system
- section. Paths are separated by a semicolons.
- - You can test if this was successful by opening a new shell (cmd) and type
- in 'python -V'. It should report version 2.4.4 (or whichever version you
- installed).
- Opening a new shell can be done quickly by using the key combination
- 'Windows-r' or if you are using Parallels on a Mac 'Apple-r'. Type in 'cmd'
- into the popup box that opens up and hit enter.
-Subversion (http://subversion.tigris.org)
- - Download the nice installer from
- http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/35379/svn-1.4.2-setup.exe
- - Run the installer. It defaults to installing into
- "C:\Program Files\Subversion".
- - Now put the install locations bin subfolder (for example
- "C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin") on your system PATH in the same way you
- put Python on it.
- - Open a new shell again and type in: 'svn --version' it should report
- version 1.4.2 or newer.
-MinGW (http://www.mingw.org/)
- This is a native port of the gcc compiler and its dependencies for Windows.
- There are other approaches enabling you to compile Python C extensions on
- Windows including Cygwin and using the official Microsoft C compiler, but this
- is a lightweight approach that uses only freely available tools. As
- it's used by a lot of people chances are high it will work for you and there's
- plenty of documentation out there to help you in troubleshooting problems.
- - Download the MinGW installer from
- http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/MinGW-5.1.3.exe?modtime=1168794334&big_mirror=1
- - The installer will ask you which options you would like to install. Choose
- base and make here. It will install into "C:\MinGW" by default. The install
- might take some time as it's getting files from sourceforge.net and you
- might need to hit 'retry' a couple of times.
- - Now put the install location's bin subfolder (for example "C:\MinGW\bin") on
- your system PATH in the same way you put Python on it.
- - Test this again by typing in: 'gcc --version' on a newly opened shell and
- it should report version 3.4.2 or newer.
-Configure Distutils to use MinGW
- Some general information are available from
- http://www.mingw.org/MinGWiki/index.php/Python%20extensions for example but
- you don't need to read them all.
- - Create a file called 'distutils.cfg' in "C:\Python24\Lib\distutils". Open it
- with a text editor ('notepad distutils.cfg') and fill in the following lines:
- [build]
- compiler=mingw32
- This will tell distutils to use MinGW as the default compiler, so you don't
- need to specify it manually using "--compiler=mingw32" while calling a
- package's setup.py with a command that involves building C extensions. This
- is extremely useful if the build command is written down in a buildout
- recipe where you cannot change the options without hacking the recipe
- itself. The z2c.recipe.zope2install used in ploneout is one such example.