--- /dev/null
+// $Id:$
+// Copyright (C) 2006
+// Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS)
+// Competence Center NETwork research (NET), St. Augustin, GERMANY
+// Christian Niephaus <christian.niephaus@fokus.fraunhofer.de>
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the
+// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+/** \file
+ \brief 802.11 WLan MAC frame \n
+ */
+#include "../../Packets/Packets.hh"
+#include "../DefaultBundle/EthernetPacket.hh"
+#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+namespace senf
+ /** \brief Management frame parser
+ * <b>Re-ordering of bits due to LSB byte order</b>
+ */
+ struct WLANPacketParser_MgtFrameParser : public senf::PacketParserBase
+ {
+ # include SENF_FIXED_PARSER()
+ SENF_PARSER_PRIVATE_BITFIELD ( subtype, 4, unsigned);
+ SENF_PARSER_SKIP_BITS ( 4 ); //skip type and version
+ //jump to fist address field
+ SENF_PARSER_FIELD ( da, MACAddressParser );
+ SENF_PARSER_FIELD ( sa, MACAddressParser );
+ SENF_PARSER_FIELD ( bssid, MACAddressParser );
+ //workaround since bitfield LSB parsers are not available
+ SENF_PARSER_PRIVATE_BITFIELD (seqNumber_1, 4, unsigned);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD (fragmentNumber, 4, unsigned);
+ SENF_PARSER_PRIVATE_FIELD (seqNumber_2, UInt8Parser);
+ SENF_PARSER_FINALIZE(WLANPacketParser_MgtFrameParser);
+ //this is needed due to the goto in the WLANPacketParser. Don't know exactly why yet.
+ boost::uint16_t sequenceNumber() const;
+ };
+ /** \brief Control frame parser
+ * <b>Re-ordering of bits due to LSB byte order</b>
+ *
+ * currently only CTS, RTS and ACK control frames are supported
+ */
+ struct WLANPacketParser_CtrlFrameParser : public senf::PacketParserBase
+ {
+ # include SENF_PARSER()
+ SENF_PARSER_PRIVATE_BITFIELD ( subtype, 4, unsigned);
+ SENF_PARSER_SKIP_BITS ( 4 ); //skip type and version
+ //jump to fist address field
+ SENF_PARSER_FIELD ( ra, MACAddressParser );
+ //only RTS frame contains a source address field
+ //variant is also needed so set to correct subtype value
+ SENF_PARSER_VARIANT ( subtype__, subtype,
+ ( ids (na, na, set_cts, key(12, VoidPacketParser)) )
+ ( ids (na, na, set_ack, key(13, VoidPacketParser)) )
+ ( ids (sa, has_sa, set_rts, key(11, MACAddressParser)) ) );
+ SENF_PARSER_FINALIZE(WLANPacketParser_CtrlFrameParser);
+ //this is needed to due to the goto in the WLANPacketParser. Don't know exactly why yet.
+ };
+ /** \brief Data frame parser
+ * <b>Re-ordering of bits due to LSB byte order</b>
+ */
+ struct WLANPacketParser_DataFrameParser : public senf::PacketParserBase
+ {
+ # include SENF_PARSER()
+ SENF_PARSER_PRIVATE_BITFIELD ( subtype, 4, unsigned);
+ //jump to 'toDS' and 'fromDS' bits
+ //skip type and version
+ //skip other flags
+ //needed in data frames due to the variable address fields
+ SENF_PARSER_PRIVATE_BITFIELD ( dsBits, 2, unsigned);
+ //skip duration field
+ SENF_PARSER_PRIVATE_FIELD ( addr1, MACAddressParser );
+ SENF_PARSER_PRIVATE_FIELD ( addr2, MACAddressParser );
+ SENF_PARSER_PRIVATE_FIELD ( addr3, MACAddressParser );
+ //sequence Number and fragment number
+ //shift bits manually due to LSB
+ SENF_PARSER_PRIVATE_BITFIELD (seqNumber_1, 4, unsigned);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD (fragmentNumber, 4, unsigned);
+ SENF_PARSER_PRIVATE_FIELD (seqNumber_2, UInt8Parser)
+ //TODO fourth address field in case of WDS
+// ( novalue ( disable_addr4, VoidPacketParser ))
+// ( id ( addr4, key (3, MACAddressParser ))) );
+ //QoS Filed
+ SENF_PARSER_VARIANT (qosField_, subtype,
+ ( ids (na, na, set_data, key(0, VoidPacketParser)))
+ ( ids (na, na, set_nullData, key(4, VoidPacketParser)))
+ ( ids (qosField, has_qosField, set_qosData, key(8, UInt16LSBParser)))
+ //we cannot parse qos Null (data) frames at the moment
+ ( ids (na, na, set_qosNullData, key(12, UInt16LSBParser))) );
+ SENF_PARSER_FINALIZE(WLANPacketParser_DataFrameParser);
+ //this is needed to due to the goto in the WLANPacketParser. Don't know exactly why yet.
+ boost::uint16_t sequenceNumber() const;
+ MACAddressParser ra() const { return addr1(); }; //ra is always addr1
+ MACAddressParser ta() const { return addr2(); }; //ta is always addr2
+ MACAddressParser sa() const;
+ MACAddressParser da() const;
+ MACAddressParser bssid() const;
+ };
+ /** \brief 802.11 Frame parser
+ * (see IEEE 802.11-2007 standard - Chapter 7 Frame formats)
+ * <b>Re-ordering of bits due to LSB byte order</b>
+ */
+ struct WLANPacketParser : public senf::PacketParserBase
+ {
+ # include SENF_PARSER()
+ /*
+ * Frame control field
+ * re-ordering of fields due to the byte order
+ */
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD_RO ( subtype, 4, unsigned);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD_RO ( type, 2, unsigned);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( version, 2, unsigned);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( order, 1, bool);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( protectedFrame, 1, bool);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( moreData, 1, bool);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( pwrMgt, 1, bool);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( retry, 1, bool);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( moreFrag, 1, bool);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( fromDS, 1, bool);
+ SENF_PARSER_BITFIELD ( toDS, 1, bool);
+ SENF_PARSER_FIELD (duration, UInt16LSBParser);
+ SENF_PARSER_GOTO( subtype ); //subparsers need to know the subtype
+ SENF_PARSER_VARIANT ( type__, type,
+ ( id ( mgtFrame, WLANPacketParser_MgtFrameParser ))
+ ( id ( ctrlFrame, WLANPacketParser_CtrlFrameParser ))
+ ( id ( dataFrame, WLANPacketParser_DataFrameParser ))
+ ( novalue ( reserved, WLANPacketParser_CtrlFrameParser )) );
+ SENF_PARSER_CUSTOM_FIELD( fcs, senf:: UInt32Parser, fcs_t::fixed_bytes, fcs_t::fixed_bytes) {
+ return parse<UInt32Parser>( data().size()-4 ); }
+ version() = 0;
+ }
+ //Problems can occur with old madwifi and ath5k. Some frames only
+ //contains two byte FCS instead of four.
+// UInt32Parser fcs() const { return parse<UInt32Parser>( data().size()-4 ); }
+ };
+ struct WLANPacketType
+ : public senf::PacketTypeBase,
+ public senf::PacketTypeMixin<WLANPacketType>
+ {
+ typedef senf::PacketTypeMixin<WLANPacketType> mixin;
+ typedef senf::ConcretePacket<WLANPacketType> packet;
+ typedef WLANPacketParser parser;
+// using mixin::nextPacketRange;
+ using mixin::init;
+ using mixin::initSize;
+ using senf::PacketTypeBase::nextPacketRange;;
+ static void dump(packet p, std::ostream &os);
+// static PacketParserBase::size_type initSize();
+ };
+ typedef WLANPacketType::packet WLANPacket;
+#endif /* WLANPACKET_HH_ */
--- /dev/null
+// $Id: main.test.cc 206 2008-08-06 14:20:52Z pug $
+// Copyright (C) 2006
+// Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS)
+// Competence Center NETwork research (NET), St. Augustin, GERMANY
+// Christian Niephaus <christian.niephaus@fokus.fraunhofer.de>
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the
+// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// Definition of non-inline non-template functions
+// Custom includes
+#include "../../Packets/Packets.hh"
+#include "../../Utils/auto_unit_test.hh"
+#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>
+#include "WLANPacket.hh"
+/* test parser with a data frame */
+ unsigned char data[] = {0x88, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1a, //header
+ 0x4d, 0x3e, 0xc7, 0x5c, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x6b, 0x57,
+ 0x06, 0xb0, 0x00, 0x18, 0x4d, 0x6e, 0x78, 0x48,
+ 0x30, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //dummy data
+ 0x38, 0x39, 0x30, 0x31 //trailer
+ };
+ senf::WLANPacket p (senf::WLANPacket::create(data));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->version(), 0u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->type(), 2u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->subtype(), 8u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->toDS(), true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->fromDS(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->moreFrag(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->retry(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->pwrMgt(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->moreData(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->protectedFrame(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->order(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->duration(), 0u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().da()[0], 0x00 );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().da()[1], 0x18 );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().da()[2], 0x4d );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().da()[3], 0x6e );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().da()[4], 0x78 );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().da()[5], 0x48 );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().sa()[0], 0x00 );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().sa()[3], 0x57 );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().sa()[5], 0xb0 );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().bssid()[0], 0x00 );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().bssid()[3], 0x3e );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().bssid()[5], 0x5c );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().bssid()[3],
+ p->dataFrame().ra()[3]);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().ta()[3],
+ p->dataFrame().sa()[3]);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().sequenceNumber(), 3u );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->dataFrame().fragmentNumber(), 0u );
+/* test parser with creating a data frame*/
+ senf::WLANPacket p (senf::WLANPacket::create());
+ SENF_CHECK_NO_THROW(p->init_dataFrame());
+ p->dataFrame().bssid()=senf::MACAddress::from_string("00:1a:4d:3e:c7:5c");
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->type(), 2u);
+/* test parser with a beacon frame */
+ unsigned char data[] = {0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x1a, 0x4d, 0x3e, 0xc7, 0x5c,
+ 0x00, 0x1a, 0x4d, 0x3e, 0xc7, 0x5c, 0xe0, 0x12,
+ 0x38, 0xa0, 0x86, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x64, 0x00, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x05, 0x62, 0x6f,
+ 0x78, 0x43, 0x31, 0x01, 0x08, 0x8c, 0x12, 0x98,
+ 0x24, 0xb0, 0x48, 0x60, 0x6c, 0x03, 0x01, 0x40,
+ 0x05, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x2a,
+ 0x4e, 0x41, 0x49, 0x24, 0x01, 0x11, 0x28, 0x01,
+ 0x11, 0x2c, 0x01, 0x11, 0x30, 0x01, 0x11, 0x34,
+ 0x01, 0x17, 0x38, 0x01, 0x17, 0x3c, 0x01, 0x17,
+ 0x40, 0x01, 0x17, 0x95, 0x01, 0x1e, 0x99, 0x01,
+ 0x1e, 0x9d, 0x01, 0x1e, 0xa1, 0x01, 0x1e, 0xa5,
+ 0x01, 0x1e, 0x20, 0x01, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x18, 0x00,
+ 0x50, 0xf2, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x81, 0x00, 0x02,
+ 0xa3, 0x40, 0x00, 0x27, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x42,
+ 0x43, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x62, 0x32, 0x2f, 0x00, 0xa0,
+ 0x00, 0xdd, 0x09, 0x00, 0x03, 0x7f, 0x01, 0x01,
+ 0x00, 0x24, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x87, 0x07, 0x1f, 0xf5,
+ };
+ senf::WLANPacket p (senf::WLANPacket::create(data));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->version(), 0u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->type(), 0u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->subtype(), 8u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->toDS(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->fromDS(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->moreFrag(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->retry(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->pwrMgt(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->moreData(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->protectedFrame(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->order(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->duration(), 0u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (p->has_mgtFrame(), true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->mgtFrame().da()[0], 0xff );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->mgtFrame().da()[3], 0xff );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->mgtFrame().da()[5], 0xff );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->mgtFrame().sa()[0], 0x00 );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->mgtFrame().sa()[3], 0x3e );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->mgtFrame().sa()[5], 0x5c );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->mgtFrame().bssid()[0], 0x00 );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->mgtFrame().bssid()[3], 0x3e );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->mgtFrame().bssid()[5], 0x5c );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->mgtFrame().sequenceNumber(), 302u );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->mgtFrame().fragmentNumber(), 0u );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL ( p->fcs(), 0x87071ff5);
+/* test parser with creating a beacon frame*/
+ senf::WLANPacket p (senf::WLANPacket::create());
+ SENF_CHECK_NO_THROW(p->init_mgtFrame());
+ p->mgtFrame().da()=senf::MACAddress::from_string("ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff")
+ );
+ p->mgtFrame().sa()=senf::MACAddress::from_string("00:1a:4d:3e:c7:5c")
+ );
+ p->mgtFrame().bssid()=senf::MACAddress::from_string("00:1a:4d:3e:c7:5c")
+ );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->type(), 0u);
+/* test parser with an ACK frame*/
+ unsigned char data[] = {0xd4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x6b, 0x57,
+ 0x06, 0xb0, 0x4f, 0xda};
+ senf::WLANPacket p (senf::WLANPacket::create(data));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->version(), 0u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->type(), 1u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->subtype(), 13u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->toDS(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->fromDS(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->moreFrag(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->retry(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->pwrMgt(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->moreData(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->protectedFrame(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->order(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->duration(), 0u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (p->ctrlFrame().ra()[0], 0x00);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (p->ctrlFrame().ra()[3], 0x57);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (p->ctrlFrame().ra()[5], 0xb0);
+/* test parser with creating an ACK frame*/
+ senf::WLANPacket p (senf::WLANPacket::create()) ;
+// std::cout << unsigned( senf::init_bytes<senf::WLANPacketParser_CtrlFrameParser>::value ) << "\n";
+ SENF_CHECK_NO_THROW(p->init_ctrlFrame());
+// std::cout << unsigned( senf::init_bytes<senf::WLANPacketParser_CtrlFrameParser>::value ) << "\n";
+ p->ctrlFrame().ra()=senf::MACAddress::from_string("00:1a:4d:3e:c7:5c");
+ p->ctrlFrame().set_ack();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->type(), 1u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p->subtype(), 13u);