# File names to ignore in all directories
ifdef debug
SCONS_ARGS += "debug="$(debug)
-ifdef profile
- SCONS_ARGS += "profile="$(profile)
+# DON'T call this default ... default is a valid scons target ;-)
+build: default
-default: build
+TARGETS := prepare default examples all_tests all_docs all install_all \
+ deb debsrc debbin linklint fixlinks valgrind lcov
+ALLTARGETS := $(TARGETS) package build
- $(SCONS)
+ $(SCONS) $@
$(SCONS) --clean all
- find ./ -name \*.gcno | xargs rm -f
- find ./ -name \*.gcda | xargs rm -f
- find ./ -name \*.gcov | xargs rm -f
- rm -f test_coverage.info
- rm -rf /doc/test_coverage
-all_docs all_tests all:
- $(SCONS) $@
+package: deb
+test_coverage: lcov
+# subdirectory build targets
%/test %/doc:
$(SCONS) $@
# remote compile targets
-all@% all_docs@% all_tests@% build@%:
- ssh $* "cd `pwd` && $(MAKE) SCONS_ARGS=\"$(SCONS_ARGS)\" $(firstword $(subst @, ,$@))"
-# test coverage
- $(SCONS) debug=1 EXTRA_CCFLAGS="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" EXTRA_LIBS="gcov" all_tests
- ln -s ../../boost/ include/senf/ # ugly work-around
- lcov --directory . --capture --output-file /tmp/test_coverage.info --base-directory .
-# lcov --output-file /tmp/test_coverage.info.tmp --extract test_coverage.info \*/senf/\*
- lcov --output-file test_coverage.info --remove /tmp/test_coverage.info \*/include/\*
- genhtml --output-directory doc/test_coverage --title "all_tests" test_coverage.info
- rm /tmp/test_coverage.info
- rm include/senf/boost
+CWD = $(shell pwd)
+ ssh $* "cd $(CWD) && $(MAKE) SCONS_ARGS=\"$(SCONS_ARGS)\" $(firstword $(subst @, ,$@))"
# Subversion stuff
- @svnversion
+ @v=`svnversion`; if [ $$v=="exported" ]; then gitsvnversion else echo $v; fi
+version: svn_version
# Building SENF requires some debian packages
DEB_BASE = build-essential
# This line parses the 'Build-Depends' entry from debian/control
-DEB_SENF = $(shell perl -an -F'[:,]' -e ' \
- BEGIN{ $$,=" " } \
- $$P=0 if /^\S/; \
- map {s/\(.*\)//} @F; \
- print @F if $$P; \
- if (/^Build-Depends:/) { print @F[1..$$\#F]; $$P=1 }' \
- debian/control | xargs echo)
+DEB_SENF = $(shell perl -alnF'[:,]' -e ' \
+ BEGIN{$$,=" "} END{splice @R,0,1; print @R} \
+ map {s/\(.*\)|\|.*//; s/[ \n\t]//g} @F; \
+ push @R,grep {/./} @F if (/^Build-Depends:/i.../^\S/)!~/(^|E0)$$/;' \
+ debian/control)
aptitude install $(DEB_BASE) $(DEB_SENF)
- $(SCONS) deb
linklint Check links of doxygen documentation with 'linklint'
fixlinks Fix broken links in doxygen documentation
valgrind Run all tests under valgrind/memcheck
+lcov Generate test coverage output in doc/lcov and lcov.info
- ENV = { 'PATH' : os.environ.get('PATH') },
- CLEAN_PATTERNS = [ '*~', '#*#', '*.pyc', 'semantic.cache', '.sconsign*' ],
+ ENV = { 'PATH' : os.environ.get('PATH'), 'HOME' : os.environ.get('HOME') },
+ CLEAN_PATTERNS = [ '*~', '#*#', '*.pyc', 'semantic.cache', '.sconsign*',
+ '*.gcno', '*.gcda', '*.gcov' ],
CPPPATH = [ '#' ],
- LIBSENF = "senf",
- final = False,
- debug = False,
- syslayout = False
+ LIBSENF = "senf",
+ LCOV = "lcov",
+ GENHTML = "genhtml",
+ SCONS = "./tools/scons -j$CONCURRENCY_LEVEL",
+ CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = env.GetOption('num_jobs') or 1,
# Set variables from command line
""".replace("\n"," ") ])
+### lcov
+env.Alias('lcov', env.AlwaysBuild(
+ env.Command( [ env.Dir('doc/lcov'), 'lcov.info' ], [], [
+ '$SCONS debug=1 CCFLAGS+="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" LIBS+="gcov" all_tests',
+ '$LCOV --directory . --capture --output-file /tmp/senf_lcov.info --base-directory .',
+ '$LCOV --output-file ${TARGETS[1]} --remove /tmp/senf_lcov.info \\*/include/\\*',
+ '$GENHTML --output-directory ${TARGETS[0]} --title all_tests ${TARGETS[1]}',
+ 'rm /tmp/senf_lcov.info' ])))
#### clean
env.Clean('all', '.prepare-stamp')
env.Clean('all', libsenf)
env.Clean('all', env.Dir('linklint')) # env.Dir to disambiguate from linklint PhonyTarget
env.Clean('all', env.Dir('dist'))
+env.Clean('all', 'lcov.info')
if env.GetOption('clean'):
env.Clean('all', [ os.path.join(path,f)
env.PhonyTarget('linklint', [], [
- 'rm -rf linklint',
- 'linklint -doc linklint -limit 99999999 `find -type d -name html -printf "/%P/@ "`',
- '[ ! -r linklint/errorX.html ] || python doclib/linklint_addnames.py <linklint/errorX.html >linklint/errorX.html.new',
- '[ ! -r linklint/errorX.html.new ] || mv linklint/errorX.html.new linklint/errorX.html',
- '[ ! -r linklint/errorAX.html ] || python doclib/linklint_addnames.py <linklint/errorAX.html >linklint/errorAX.html.new',
- '[ ! -r linklint/errorAX.html.new ] || mv linklint/errorAX.html.new linklint/errorAX.html',
- 'echo -e "\\nLokal link check results: linklint/index.html\\nRemote link check results: linklint/urlindex.html\\n"',
+ 'rm -rf doc/linklint',
+ 'linklint -doc doc/linklint -limit 99999999 `find -type d -name html -printf "/%P/@ "`',
+ '[ ! -r doc/linklint/errorX.html ] || python doclib/linklint_addnames.py <doc/linklint/errorX.html >doc/linklint/errorX.html.new',
+ '[ ! -r doc/linklint/errorX.html.new ] || mv doc/linklint/errorX.html.new doc/linklint/errorX.html',
+ '[ ! -r doc/linklint/errorAX.html ] || python doclib/linklint_addnames.py <doc/linklint/errorAX.html >doc/linklint/errorAX.html.new',
+ '[ ! -r doc/linklint/errorAX.html.new ] || mv doc/linklint/errorAX.html.new doc/linklint/errorAX.html',
env.PhonyTarget('fixlinks', [], [
- 'python doclib/fix-links.py -v -s .svn -s linklint -s debian linklint/errorX.txt linklint/errorAX.txt',
+ 'python doclib/fix-links.py -v -s .svn -s linklint -s debian doc/linklint/errorX.txt doc/linklint/errorAX.txt',
header = env.Command('doxy-header.html', 'SConscript', writeTemplate,
TITLE = "Documentation and API reference")