--- /dev/null
+# -*- python -*-
+# Custom configuration checks
+def CheckSTLCopyN(context):
+ context.Message("Checking for 'copy_n' implementation... ")
+ versions = [ ('<algorithm>', 'std::copy_n', 'STD'),
+ ('<ext/algorithm>', '__gnu_cxx::copy_n', 'GNUCXX') ]
+ for include, name, define in versions:
+ ret = context.TryCompile("#include %s\n"
+ "int main(int,char**) { int *a,*b; %s(a,0,b); }\n"
+ % (include, name),
+ ".cc")
+ if ret:
+ context.Result(name)
+ context.sconf.Define("HAVE_%s_COPYN" % define,
+ 1,
+ "Define one of "
+ + ", ".join(("HAVE_%s_COPYN" % elt[2] for elt in versions)))
+ return ret
+ context.Result(False)
+ return False
+def CheckTempBufferStrategy(context):
+ context.Message("Checking for optimal temporary buffer strategy... ")
+ def check():
+ # locals
+ ret = context.TryCompile("void test(int n){int a[n];}",".cc")
+ if ret: return "locals"
+ # alloca
+ ret = context.TryCompile("#include <alloca.h>\n"
+ "void test(int a){void *b(alloca(a));}"
+ ".cc")
+ if ret: return "alloca"
+ # fallback: new
+ return "new"
+ ret = check()
+ context.Result(ret)
+ context.sconf.Define("SENF_BUFFER_USE_%s" % ret.upper(),
+ 1,
+ return ret
+def CheckValgrind(context):
+ context.Message( "Checking for valgrind... " )
+ ret = context.TryAction(['$VALGRIND --version >$TARGET'])
+ context.Result( ret[1].strip() or False )
+ return ret[0]
+def CheckValgrindWildcards(context):
+ context.Message( "Checking whether valgrind supports '...' wildcards in suppressions... " )
+ ret = context.TryAction(['$VALGRIND --suppressions=$SOURCE /bin/true'],
+ "{\n test_suppression\n Memcheck:Addr4\n ...\n fun:foo\n}\n",
+ ".sup")
+ context.Result( ret[0] )
+ return ret[0]
+conf = env.Configure(clean=False,
+ help=False,
+ config_h="#/senf/autoconf.hh")
+# Boost
+res = conf.CheckBoostVersion()
+if not res : conf.Fail("Boost includes not found")
+res = conf.CheckBoostVariants()
+res = conf.CheckCXXHeader("boost/bimap.hpp")
+conf.env.Replace(NEED_BOOST_EXT = not res)
+res = conf.CheckCXXHeader("boost/spirit/include/classic.hpp")
+# Compiler support
+res = conf.CheckTempBufferStrategy()
+# Standard library stuff
+res = conf.CheckSTLCopyN()
+if not res : conf.Fail("No 'copy_n' implementation found")
+res = conf.CheckFunc("timerfd_create")
+# valgrind
+res = conf.CheckValgrind() \
+ and conf.CheckValgrindWildcards()
+conf.env.Replace(HAVE_VALGRIND = res)
+env = conf.Finish()
# -*- python -*-
import sys, os.path, fnmatch
-import SENFSCons, senfutil, senfconf
+import SENFSCons, senfutil
# Load utilities and setup libraries and configure build
Some unit tests will only run when executed to 'root'.
+ expandLogOption = senfutil.expandLogOption,
+ CXXFLAGS_ = env.BuildTypeOptions('CXXFLAGS'),
+ CPPDEFINES_ = env.BuildTypeOptions('CPPDEFINES'),
+ LINKFLAGS_ = env.BuildTypeOptions('LINKFLAGS'),
- IMPORT_ENV = [ 'PATH', 'HOME', 'SSH_*', 'SENF*', 'CCACHE_*', 'DISTCC_*' ],
- CLEAN_PATTERNS = [ '*~', '#*#', '*.pyc', 'semantic.cache', '.sconsign*',
+ IMPORT_ENV = [ 'PATH', 'HOME', 'SSH_*', 'SENF*', 'CCACHE_*', 'DISTCC_*' ],
+ CLEAN_PATTERNS = [ '*~', '#*#', '*.pyc', 'semantic.cache', '.sconsign*',
'.sconf_temp' ],
- BUILDDIR = '${FLAVOR and "#/build/$FLAVOR" or "#"}',
- CPPPATH = [ '#', '$BUILDDIR',
- '${NEED_BOOST_EXT and "#/boost_ext" or None}' ],
- LIBS = [ '$EXTRA_LIBS' ],
- EXTRA_LIBS = [ 'rt' ],
- VALGRINDARGS = [ '--num-callers=50' ],
- PREFIX = '#/dist',
- LIBINSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX${syslayout and "/lib" or ""}',
- BININSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX${syslayout and "/bin" or ""}',
- INCLUDEINSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX${syslayout and "/include" or ""}',
- CONFINSTALLDIR = '${syslayout and "$LIBINSTALLDIR/senf" or "$PREFIX"}',
- DOCINSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX${syslayout and "/share/doc/senf" or "/manual"}',
- CPP_INCLUDE_EXTENSIONS = [ '.h', '.hh', '.ih', '.mpp', '.cci', '.ct', '.cti' ],
- CPP_EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS = [ '.test.hh' ],
- # These options are insane. Only useful for inline debugging. Need at least 1G free RAM
- INLINE_OPTS_DEBUG = [ '-finline-limit=20000', '-fvisibility-inlines-hidden',
- '-fno-inline-functions', '-Winline'
- '--param','large-function-growth=10000',
- '--param', 'large-function-insns=10000',
- '--param','inline-unit-growth=10000' ],
- INLINE_OPTS_NORMAL = [ '-finline-limit=5000' ],
- CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wall', '-Woverloaded-virtual', '-Wno-long-long', '$INLINE_OPTS',
- '-pipe', '$CXXFLAGS_', '-fno-strict-aliasing' ],
- CXXFLAGS_ = senfutil.BuildTypeOptions('CXXFLAGS'),
- CXXFLAGS_final = [ '-O3' ],
- CXXFLAGS_normal = [ '-O2', '-g' ],
- CXXFLAGS_debug = [ '-O0', '-g' ],
- CPPDEFINES = [ '$expandLogOption', '$CPPDEFINES_' ],
- expandLogOption = senfutil.expandLogOption,
- CPPDEFINES_ = senfutil.BuildTypeOptions('CPPDEFINES'),
- CPPDEFINES_normal = [ 'SENF_DEBUG' ],
- CPPDEFINES_debug = [ '$CPPDEFINES_normal' ],
- LINKFLAGS = [ '-rdynamic', '$LINKFLAGS_' ],
- LINKFLAGS_ = senfutil.BuildTypeOptions('LINKFLAGS'),
- LINKFLAGS_final = [ ],
- LINKFLAGS_normal = [ '-Wl,-S' ],
- LINKFLAGS_debug = [ '-g' ],
+ CPPPATH = [ '#', '$BUILDDIR',
+ '${NEED_BOOST_EXT and "#/boost_ext" or None}' ],
+ LIBS = [ '$EXTRA_LIBS' ],
+ EXTRA_LIBS = [ 'rt' ],
+ VALGRINDARGS = [ '--num-callers=50' ],
+ CPP_INCLUDE_EXTENSIONS = [ '.h', '.hh', '.ih', '.mpp', '.cci', '.ct', '.cti' ],
+ CPP_EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS = [ '.test.hh' ],
+ # INLINE_OPTS_DEBUG are insane. Only useful for inline debugging. Need at least 1G free RAM
+ INLINE_OPTS_DEBUG = [ '-finline-limit=20000', '-fvisibility-inlines-hidden',
+ '-fno-inline-functions', '-Winline'
+ '--param','large-function-growth=10000',
+ '--param', 'large-function-insns=10000',
+ '--param','inline-unit-growth=10000' ],
+ INLINE_OPTS_NORMAL = [ '-finline-limit=5000' ],
+ CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wall', '-Woverloaded-virtual', '-Wno-long-long', '$INLINE_OPTS',
+ '-pipe', '$CXXFLAGS_', '-fno-strict-aliasing' ],
+ CXXFLAGS_final = [ '-O3' ],
+ CXXFLAGS_normal = [ '-O2', '-g' ],
+ CXXFLAGS_debug = [ '-O0', '-g' ],
+ CPPDEFINES = [ '$expandLogOption', '$CPPDEFINES_' ],
+ CPPDEFINES_normal = [ 'SENF_DEBUG' ],
+ CPPDEFINES_debug = [ '$CPPDEFINES_normal' ],
+ LINKFLAGS = [ '-rdynamic', '$LINKFLAGS_' ],
+ LINKFLAGS_final = [ ],
+ LINKFLAGS_normal = [ '-Wl,-S' ],
+ LINKFLAGS_debug = [ '-g' ],
- LIBSENF = "senf",
- LCOV = "lcov",
- GENHTML = "genhtml",
- VALGRIND = "valgrind",
- SCONSBIN = env.File("#/tools/scons"),
- [ '%s=%s' % (k,v) for k,v in ARGUMENTS.iteritems() ]),
- CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = env.GetOption('num_jobs') or 1,
- TOPDIR = env.Dir('#').abspath,
- LIBADDSUFFIX = '${FLAVOR and "_$FLAVOR" or ""}',
- FLAVOR = '',
- _defines = senfutil.expandDefines
+ PREFIX = '#/dist',
+ LIBINSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX${syslayout and "/lib" or ""}',
+ BININSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX${syslayout and "/bin" or ""}',
+ INCLUDEINSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX${syslayout and "/include" or ""}',
+ CONFINSTALLDIR = '${syslayout and "$LIBINSTALLDIR/senf" or "$PREFIX"}',
+ DOCINSTALLDIR = '$PREFIX${syslayout and "/share/doc/senf" or "/manual"}',
+ BUILDDIR = '${FLAVOR and "#/build/$FLAVOR" or "#"}',
+ LIBSENF = "senf",
+ LCOV = "lcov",
+ GENHTML = "genhtml",
+ VALGRIND = "valgrind",
+ SCONSBIN = env.File("#/tools/scons"),
+ [ '%s=%s' % (k,v) for k,v in ARGUMENTS.iteritems() ]),
+ CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = env.GetOption('num_jobs') or 1,
+ TOPDIR = env.Dir('#').abspath,
+ LIBADDSUFFIX = '${FLAVOR and "_$FLAVOR" or ""}',
+ FLAVOR = '',
# Set variables from command line
# Add UNIX env vars matching IMPORT_ENV patterns into the execution environment
-env.Append( ENV = dict(( (k,v)
- for pattern in env['IMPORT_ENV']
- for k,v in os.environ.iteritems()
- if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(k,pattern) )) )
+# Handle 'test_changes'
if 'test_changes' in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS and not env.has_key('only_tests'):
import SparseTestHack
env['only_tests'] = " ".join(x.abspath for x in SparseTestHack.findSCMChanges(env))
if env.has_key('only_tests') : env['sparse_tests'] = True
# Configure
-def CheckValgrind(context):
- context.Message( "Checking for valgrind... " )
- ret = context.TryAction(['$VALGRIND --version >$TARGET'])
- context.Result( ret[1].strip() or False )
- return ret[0]
-def CheckValgrindWildcards(context):
- context.Message( "Checking whether valgrind supports '...' wildcards in suppressions... " )
- ret = context.TryAction(['$VALGRIND --suppressions=$SOURCE /bin/true'],
- "{\n test_suppression\n Memcheck:Addr4\n ...\n fun:foo\n}\n",
- ".sup")
- context.Result( ret[0] )
- return ret[0]
-def customChecks(conf):
- conf.env.Replace(
- HAVE_VALGRIND = conf.CheckValgrind() and conf.CheckValgrindWildcards()
- )
-senfutil.Configure(env, customChecks)
# Only add this here, after all configure checks have run
+++ /dev/null
-# from __future__ import with_statement
-_configTests = {}
-# Fix for SCons 0.97 compatibility
-import SCons.SConf
-try: SCons.SConf.SConfBase.Define
-except AttributeError:
- import string
- def Define(self, name, value = None, comment = None):
- lines = []
- if comment:
- comment_str = "/* %s */" % comment
- lines.append(comment_str)
- if value is not None:
- define_str = "#define %s %s" % (name, value)
- else:
- define_str = "#define %s" % name
- lines.append(define_str)
- lines.append('')
- self.config_h_text = self.config_h_text + string.join(lines, '\n')
- SCons.SConf.SConfBase.Define = Define
-def Tests():
- global _configTests
- return _configTests
-def Test(func):
- global _configTests
- _configTests[func.__name__] = func
- return func
-# class TemporaryContext:
-# def __init__(self, context):
-# self._context = context
-# self._env = self._context.env.Clone()
-# def __enter__(self):
-# return None
-# def __exit__(self,*args):
-# self._context.env.Replace(**self._env.Dictionary())
-# return False
-def CheckBoostVersion(context):
- context.Message( "Checking boost version... " )
- ret = context.TryRun("#include <boost/version.hpp>\n"
- "#include <iostream>\n"
- "int main(int, char **) { std::cout << BOOST_LIB_VERSION << std::endl; }",
- ".cc")[-1].strip()
- if not ret:
- context.Result("no boost includes found")
- context.env.Replace( BOOST_VERSION = '' )
- return None
- else:
- context.Result(ret)
- context.env.Replace( BOOST_VERSION = ret )
- return ret
-def CheckBoostVariants(context, *variants):
- useVariant = None
-# with TemporaryContext(context):
- try:
- _env = context.env.Clone()
- for variant in variants:
- if variant : variantStr = "'%s'" % variant
- else : variantStr = "default"
- context.Message( "Checking boost %s variant... " % variantStr )
- context.env.Replace( BOOST_VARIANT=variant )
- context.env.Append( _LIBFLAGS = ' -Wl,-Bstatic -l$BOOSTTESTLIB -Wl,-Bdynamic' )
- ret = context.TryLink("#define BOOST_AUTO_TEST_MAIN\n"
- "#include <boost/test/auto_unit_test.hpp>\n"
- "#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>\n"
- "BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test) { BOOST_CHECK(true); }\n",
- ".cc")
- context.Result( ret )
- if ret and useVariant is None:
- useVariant = variant
- finally:
- context.env.Replace(**_env.Dictionary())
- if useVariant is not None and not context.env.GetOption('no_progress'):
- print "Using %s boost variant." % (
- useVariant and "'%s'" % useVariant or "default")
- context.env.Replace( BOOST_VARIANT = useVariant )
- return useVariant
-import os.path, glob, site_tools.Yaptu
+import os, os.path, site_tools.Yaptu, types, re, fnmatch
from SCons.Script import *
-import SCons.Defaults, SCons.Util
-import senfconf
-import types, re
senfutildir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
Variables = Options
BoolVariable = BoolOption
-def parseLogOption(value):
- stream, area, level = ( x.strip() for x in value.strip().split('|') )
- stream = ''.join('(%s)' % x for x in stream.split('::') )
- if area : area = ''.join( '(%s)' % x for x in area.split('::') )
- else : area = '(_)'
- return '((%s,%s,%s))' % (stream,area,level)
-def expandLogOption(target, source, env, for_signature):
- if env.subst('$LOGLEVELS'):
- return [ 'SENF_LOG_CONF="' + ''.join( parseLogOption(x) for x in env.subst('$LOGLEVELS').split() )+'"']
- else:
- return []
-class BuildTypeOptions:
- def __init__(self, var):
- self._var = var
- def __call__(self, target, source, env, for_signature):
- type = env['final'] and "final" or env['debug'] and "debug" or "normal"
- return env[self._var + "_" + type]
-_DOLLAR_RE = re.compile(r'\$([a-zA-Z_][\.\w]*)|\${([^}]*)}')
-def _expandDefines(defs, target, source, env, for_signature):
- rv = []
- if SCons.Util.is_Dict(defs):
- keys = defs.keys()
- keys.sort()
- defs = [ (k,defs[k]) for k in keys ]
- elif not SCons.Util.is_List(defs):
- defs = [ defs ]
- for elt in defs:
- if SCons.Util.is_String(elt):
- m = _DOLLAR_RE.match(elt)
- if m:
- match = m.group(1) or m.group(2)
- try: rv.extend(_expandDefines(eval(match, env.gvars(), env.lvars()),
- target, source, env, for_signature))
- except NameError: pass
- except IndexError: pass
- else:
- rv.append(env.subst(elt))
- elif callable(elt):
- rv.extend(_expandDefines(elt(target, source, env, for_signature),
- target, source, env, for_signature))
- elif SCons.Util.is_Sequence(elt):
- if len(elt)<2 or elt[1] is None:
- rv.append(env.subst(elt[0]))
- else:
- rv.append(env.subst(elt[0]) + "=" + env.subst(elt[1]))
- else:
- rv.append(str(elt))
- return rv
-def expandDefines(prefix, defs, suffix, env):
- """Expand defines in <defs> using <env>. Calls SCons.Defaults._concat_ixes
-to append prefix/suffix before/after each define.
- callable
- Call the callable and replace it with the call result. If the result
- is a list, the list is processed recursively. It the result is a
- dictionary it is converted into a list of typles and processed
- recursively.
- '$<variable>' or '${<variable>}'
- Replace the element with the variable expansion. If the result is a
- list, the list is processed recursively. It the result is a
- dictionary it is converted into a list of typles and processed
- recursively.
- '<any other string>'
- Define a symbol with that (expanded!) name
- iterable
- The iteratble must have two elments. The first element defines the
- symbol name, the second the symbol value."""
- defs = _expandDefines(defs, None, None, env, False)
- return SCons.Defaults._concat_ixes(prefix, defs, suffix, env)
def loadTools(env):
global senfutildir
tooldir = os.path.join(senfutildir, 'site_tools')
env.Replace(**{k: v})
env.Append(ARGUMENT_VARIABLES = {k:v})
+def importProcessEnv(env):
+ env.Append( ENV = dict(( (k,v)
+ for pattern in env.get('IMPORT_ENV',[])
+ for k,v in os.environ.iteritems()
+ if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(k,pattern) )) )
+# SENF log option parsing
+def parseLogOption(value):
+ stream, area, level = ( x.strip() for x in value.strip().split('|') )
+ stream = ''.join('(%s)' % x for x in stream.split('::') )
+ if area : area = ''.join( '(%s)' % x for x in area.split('::') )
+ else : area = '(_)'
+ return '((%s,%s,%s))' % (stream,area,level)
+def expandLogOption(target, source, env, for_signature):
+ if env.subst('$LOGLEVELS'):
+ return [ 'SENF_LOG_CONF="' + ''.join( parseLogOption(x) for x in env.subst('$LOGLEVELS').split() )+'"']
+ else:
+ return []
+# client SENF detection/configuration
def detect_senf(env,senf_path, try_flavors):
"""Detect senf with flavor in 'try_flavors' somewhere in 'senf_path'.
return True
return False
def SetupForSENF(env, senf_path = [], flavor=None):
try_flavors = [ '', 'g' ]
if flavor is not None:
+ conf = env.Configure(clean=False, help=False)
+ if not conf.CheckBoostVersion():
+ conf.Fail("Boost includes not found")
+ conf.CheckBoostVariants()
+ conf.Finish()
- _defines = expandDefines,
expandLogOption = expandLogOption,
CPPPATH = [ '${NEED_BOOST_EXT and "$SENFINCDIR/boost_ext" or None}' ],
CPPDEFINES = [ '$expandLogOption' ],
CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-long-long', '-fno-strict-aliasing' ],
- LIBS = [ 'senf$LIBADDSUFFIX', 'rt',
LINKFLAGS = [ '-rdynamic' ],
- env.MergeFlags(file(env.File('$BUNDLEDIR/senf${LIBADDSUFFIX}.conf').abspath).read())
+ path = env.File('$BUNDLEDIR/senf${LIBADDSUFFIX}.conf').abspath
+ env.MergeFlags(file(path).read())
except IOError:
# Really should never happen since detect_senf looks for this file ...
+# Helpers
def DefaultOptions(env):
- _defines = expandDefines,
expandLogOption = expandLogOption,
+ CXXFLAGS_ = env.BuildTypeOptions('CXXFLAGS'),
+ CPPDEFINES_ = env.BuildTypeOptions('CPPDEFINES'),
+ LINKFLAGS_ = env.BuildTypeOptions('LINKFLAGS'),
+ LOGLEVELS_ = env.BuildTypeOptions('LOGLEVELS'),
- CXXFLAGS_ = BuildTypeOptions('CXXFLAGS'),
- CPPDEFINES_ = BuildTypeOptions('CPPDEFINES'),
- LINKFLAGS_ = BuildTypeOptions('LINKFLAGS'),
- LOGLEVELS_ = BuildTypeOptions('LOGLEVELS'),
CXXFLAGS_final = [],
return (sources, testSources)
-def CheckSTLCopyN(context):
- context.Message("Checking for 'copy_n' implementation... ")
- versions = [ ('<algorithm>', 'std::copy_n', 'STD'),
- ('<ext/algorithm>', '__gnu_cxx::copy_n', 'GNUCXX') ]
- for include, name, define in versions:
- ret = context.TryCompile("#include %s\n"
- "int main(int,char**) { int *a,*b; %s(a,0,b); }\n"
- % (include, name),
- ".cc")
- if ret:
- context.Result(name)
- context.sconf.Define("HAVE_%s_COPYN" % define,
- 1,
- "Define one of "
- + ", ".join(("HAVE_%s_COPYN" % elt[2] for elt in versions)))
- return ret
- context.Result(False)
- return False
-def CheckTempBufferStrategy(context):
- context.Message("Checking for optimal temporary buffer strategy... ")
- def check():
- # locals
- ret = context.TryCompile("void test(int n){int a[n];}",".cc")
- if ret: return "locals"
- # alloca
- ret = context.TryCompile("#include <alloca.h>\n"
- "void test(int a){void *b(alloca(a));}"
- ".cc")
- if ret: return "alloca"
- # fallback: new
- return "new"
- ret = check()
- context.Result(ret)
- context.sconf.Define("SENF_BUFFER_USE_%s" % ret.upper(),
- 1,
- return ret
-def Fail(msg):
- SCons.Util.display("scons: *** %s" % msg)
- Exit(1)
-def Configure(env, customChecks=None):
- conf = env.Configure(clean=False,
- help=False,
- custom_tests=senfconf.Tests(),
- config_h="#/senf/autoconf.hh")
- # Boost
- if not conf.CheckBoostVersion():
- Fail("Boost includes not found")
- if not conf.env['ARGUMENT_VARIABLES'].has_key('BOOST_VARIANT'): conf.CheckBoostVariants( '', 'mt' )
- conf.env.Replace(NEED_BOOST_EXT = not conf.CheckCXXHeader("boost/bimap.hpp"))
- conf.CheckCXXHeader("boost/spirit/include/classic.hpp")
- # Compiler support
- conf.CheckTempBufferStrategy()
- # Standard library stuff
- if not conf.CheckSTLCopyN():
- Fail("No 'copy_n' implementation found")
- conf.CheckFunc("timerfd_create")
- # User checks
- if customChecks:
- customChecks(conf)
- conf.Finish()
tagfiles = None
def Doxygen(env, doxyheader=None, doxyfooter=None, doxycss=None, mydoxyfile=False, senfdoc_path=[],
import sys
import tempfile
import SCons.Scanner.C
+import CustomTests
# ARGH ... Why do they put a '+' in the module name ????????
SCons.Tool.cplusplus=getattr(__import__('SCons.Tool.c++', globals(), locals(), []).Tool, 'c++')
def nopstr(target, source, env) : return ''
return env.Action(nop, nopstr)
+ConfTest = CustomTests.ConfTest()
+def CheckBoostVersion(context):
+ context.Message( "Checking boost version... " )
+ ret = context.TryRun("#include <boost/version.hpp>\n"
+ "#include <iostream>\n"
+ "int main(int, char **) { std::cout << BOOST_LIB_VERSION << std::endl; }",
+ ".cc")[-1].strip()
+ if not ret:
+ context.Result("no boost includes found")
+ context.env.Replace( BOOST_VERSION = '' )
+ return None
+ else:
+ context.Result(ret)
+ context.env.Replace( BOOST_VERSION = ret )
+ return ret
+def CheckBoostVariants(context, *variants):
+ if not variants : variants = ('','mt')
+ useVariant = None
+ if context.env['BOOST_VARIANT'] is not None:
+ useVariant = context.env['BOOST_VARIANT']
+ try:
+ _env = context.env.Clone()
+ for variant in variants:
+ if variant : variantStr = "'%s'" % variant
+ else : variantStr = "default"
+ context.Message( "Checking boost %s variant... " % variantStr )
+ context.env.Replace( BOOST_VARIANT=variant )
+ context.env.Append( _LIBFLAGS = ' -Wl,-Bstatic -l$BOOSTTESTLIB -Wl,-Bdynamic' )
+ ret = context.TryLink("#define BOOST_AUTO_TEST_MAIN\n"
+ "#include <boost/test/auto_unit_test.hpp>\n"
+ "#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>\n"
+ "BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test) { BOOST_CHECK(true); }\n",
+ ".cc")
+ context.Result( ret )
+ if ret and useVariant is None:
+ useVariant = variant
+ finally:
+ context.env.Replace(**_env.Dictionary())
+ if useVariant is not None and not context.env.GetOption('no_progress'):
+ print "Using %s boost variant." % (
+ useVariant and "'%s'" % useVariant or "default")
+ context.env.Replace( BOOST_VARIANT = useVariant )
+ return useVariant
def generate(env):
BOOSTTESTLIB = 'boost_unit_test_framework$_BOOST_VARIANT',
BOOSTTESTARGS = [ '--build_info=yes', '--log_level=test_suite' ],
- )
+ )
+ env.Append(
+ CUSTOM_TESTS = ConfTest.tests,
+ )
env['BUILDERS']['BoostUnitTest'] = BoostUnitTest
env['BUILDERS']['FindAllBoostUnitTests'] = FindAllBoostUnitTests
--- /dev/null
+import SCons.Util, SCons.Defaults
+import re
+class BuildTypeOptions:
+ def __init__(self, var):
+ self._var = var
+ def __call__(self, target, source, env, for_signature):
+ type = env['final'] and "final" or env['debug'] and "debug" or "normal"
+ return env[self._var + "_" + type]
+_DOLLAR_RE = re.compile(r'\$([a-zA-Z_][\.\w]*)|\${([^}]*)}')
+def _expandDefines(defs, target, source, env, for_signature):
+ rv = []
+ if SCons.Util.is_Dict(defs):
+ keys = defs.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ defs = [ (k,defs[k]) for k in keys ]
+ elif not SCons.Util.is_List(defs):
+ defs = [ defs ]
+ for elt in defs:
+ if SCons.Util.is_String(elt):
+ m = _DOLLAR_RE.match(elt)
+ if m:
+ match = m.group(1) or m.group(2)
+ try: rv.extend(_expandDefines(eval(match, env.gvars(), env.lvars()),
+ target, source, env, for_signature))
+ except NameError: pass
+ except IndexError: pass
+ else:
+ rv.append(env.subst(elt))
+ elif callable(elt):
+ rv.extend(_expandDefines(elt(target, source, env, for_signature),
+ target, source, env, for_signature))
+ elif SCons.Util.is_Sequence(elt):
+ if len(elt)<2 or elt[1] is None:
+ rv.append(env.subst(elt[0]))
+ else:
+ rv.append(env.subst(elt[0]) + "=" + env.subst(elt[1]))
+ else:
+ rv.append(str(elt))
+ return rv
+def expandDefines(prefix, defs, suffix, env):
+ """Expand defines in <defs> using <env>. Calls SCons.Defaults._concat_ixes
+to append prefix/suffix before/after each define.
+ callable
+ Call the callable and replace it with the call result. If the result
+ is a list, the list is processed recursively. It the result is a
+ dictionary it is converted into a list of typles and processed
+ recursively.
+ '$<variable>' or '${<variable>}'
+ Replace the element with the variable expansion. If the result is a
+ list, the list is processed recursively. It the result is a
+ dictionary it is converted into a list of typles and processed
+ recursively.
+ '<any other string>'
+ Define a symbol with that (expanded!) name
+ iterable
+ The iteratble must have two elments. The first element defines the
+ symbol name, the second the symbol value."""
+ defs = _expandDefines(defs, None, None, env, False)
+ return SCons.Defaults._concat_ixes(prefix, defs, suffix, env)
+def _BuildTypeOptions(env, var) : return BuildTypeOptions(var)
+def generate(env):
+ env.Replace(
+ _defines = expandDefines,
+ )
+ env.AddMethod(_BuildTypeOptions, 'BuildTypeOptions')
+def exists(env):
+ return True
--- /dev/null
+import SCons.Environment
+import SCons.Util, SCons.Script
+# Fix for SCons 0.97 compatibility
+import SCons.SConf
+try: SCons.SConf.SConfBase.Define
+except AttributeError:
+ import string
+ def Define(self, name, value = None, comment = None):
+ lines = []
+ if comment:
+ comment_str = "/* %s */" % comment
+ lines.append(comment_str)
+ if value is not None:
+ define_str = "#define %s %s" % (name, value)
+ else:
+ define_str = "#define %s" % name
+ lines.append(define_str)
+ lines.append('')
+ self.config_h_text = self.config_h_text + string.join(lines, '\n')
+ SCons.SConf.SConfBase.Define = Define
+class ConfTest(object):
+ """Configuration test decorator.
+This class is used as a decorator to define SCons Configure
+tests. There are three ways to use this facility:
+In this scenario, you pass the test registry, a map, as argument to
+the decorator. This usage is primarily interesting for tool writers:
+ from CustomTests import ConfTest
+ MY_TESTS = {}
+ @ConfTest(MY_TESTS)
+ def CheckMyFoo(context):
+ pass
+ def generate(env):
+This will place CheckMyFoo into the MY_TESTS dictionary which you can
+later add to the CUSTOM_TESTS environment variable.
+In this scenario, you define a local alias for the decorator which
+serves as the registry. This usage is again primarily interesting for
+tool and extension writers:
+ import CustomTests
+ MyConfTest = CustomTests.ConfTest()
+ @MyConfTest
+ def CheckMyFoo(context):
+ pass
+ def generate(env):
+ env.Append(CUSTOM_TESTS = MyConfTest.tests)
+Logically this is like the previous method.
+This usage is interesting for SConstruct and SConscript writers:
+ env = Environment()
+ env.Tool('CustomTests')
+ @env.ConfTest()
+ def CheckMyFoo(context):
+ pass
+ conf = env.Configure()
+ conf.CheckMyFoo()
+ env = conf.Finish()
+The new configuration test is automatically added to
+env['CUSTOM_TESTS'] and is thus automatically available to all
+configuration contexts created from the environment.
+ def __init__(self, registry=None):
+ if registry is None:
+ self.tests = {}
+ elif isinstance(registry, SCons.Environment.SubstitutionEnvironment):
+ self.tests =registry['CUSTOM_TESTS']
+ else:
+ self.tests = registry
+ def __call__(self, func):
+ self.tests[func.__name__] = func
+ return func
+DefaultTest = ConfTest()
+def Configure(self, *args, **kw):
+ try: kw['custom_tests'].update(self['CUSTOM_TESTS'])
+ except KeyError: kw['custom_tests'] = dict(self['CUSTOM_TESTS'])
+ return self._CustomTests_orig_Configure(*args, **kw)
+def Fail(context, msg):
+ SCons.Util.display("scons: *** %s" % msg)
+ SCons.Script.Exit(1)
+def generate(env):
+ env.Append( CUSTOM_TESTS = DefaultTest.tests )
+ env._CustomTests_orig_Configure = env.Configure
+ env.AddMethod(Configure)
+ env.AddMethod(ConfTest)
+ env.AddMethod(Fail)
+def exists(env):
+ return True