frame = sys._getframe()
target_top = marker = []
while frame and target_top is marker:
- target_top = frame.f_locals.get('target_top',marker)
frame = frame.f_back
+ if frame : target_top = frame.f_locals.get('target_top',marker)
if target_top is marker:
SCons.Util.display("scons: WARNING: scons -u <target> will probably fail")
if not target_top:
target_top = '.'
+ if frame:
+ cdir = frame.f_locals.get('cdir', '')
+ for dir in reversed(os.path.normpath(cdir).split('/')):
+ if dir == '..':
+ SCons.Utio.display("scons: WARNING: failed to undo -C option")
+ break
+ if dir == '.':
+ continue
+ os.chdir('..')
os.environ['SCONS_LIB_DIR'] = sconsengine
os.execv(sconsscript, sys.argv)