\section intro_commands Implementing console/config commands
- \seechapter \ref console_commands
+ \seechapter \ref console_commands \n
+ \seechapter \ref senf::console::factory
The console/config language does not define, how arguments are passed to the commands, it just
tokenizes the input and passes the tokens to the commands which then handle the
Depending on the object added, you can also bind to a more specific node type
(e.g. senf::console::SimpleCommand) if you know the type of node returned.
- Depending on the type of object added, there are additional attributes which can be set. These
- attributes are always set by calling them on the factory return value. It is \e not guaranteed,
- you can call these members on the node reference returned by the \c add() call.
+ Nodes are always added using a factory from the senf::console::factory namespace. The factory
+ has additional (type specific) attributes. These attributes are set by calling member functions
+ called 'attributors' on the temporary factory instance. It is \e not guaranteed, you can call
+ these members on the node reference returned by the \c add() call.
namespace fty = senf::console::factory;
- dir.add("name", fty::Command(callback)
- .doc("The documentation") );
+ dir.add("name", fty::Command(callback) .doc("The documentation") );
sets the \e doc attribute (if that is available, otherwise this will fail to compile).
+ \see senf::console::factory for a list of all node factories.
\section console_manualparse Manually parsing command arguments