return '((%s,%s,%s))' % (stream,area,level)
def expandLogOption(target, source, env, for_signature):
- if env.get('LOGLEVELS'):
+ if env.subst('$LOGLEVELS'):
return [ 'SENF_LOG_CONF="' + ''.join( parseLogOption(x) for x in env.subst('$LOGLEVELS').split() )+'"']
return []
env.Replace(**{k: v})
env.Append(ARGUMENT_VARIABLES = {k:v})
+def detect_senf(env,senf_path, try_flavors):
+ """Detect senf with flavor in 'try_flavors' somewhere in 'senf_path'.
-# This looks much more complicated than it is: We do three things here:
-# a) switch between final or debug options
-# b) parse the LOGLEVELS parameter into the correct SENF_LOG_CONF syntax
-# c) check for a local SENF, set options accordingly
-# d) check, wether the boost extensions are needed
+This function returns True, if senf is found, False otherwise.
+The environment 'env' is updated in the following way:
-def SetupForSENF(env, senf_path = []):
+ SENFSYSLAYOUT set to True, if the install is a system installation,
+ False otherwise
+ FLAVOR set to the detected senf flavor
+ SENFDIR set to the base directory of the senf installation.
global senfutildir
- senf_path.extend(('senf', os.path.dirname(senfutildir), '/usr/local', '/usr'))
+ senf_path.extend((os.path.dirname(senfutildir), '/usr/local', '/usr'))
+ for path in senf_path:
+ if not path.startswith('/') : sconspath = '#/%s' % path
+ else : sconspath = path
+ for flavor in try_flavors:
+ suffix = flavor and "_"+flavor or ""
+ local_path = os.path.join(path,"senf%s.conf" % suffix)
+ sys_path = os.path.join(path, "lib", "senf", "senf%s.conf" % suffix)
+ if os.path.exists(local_path):
+ env.SetDefault( SENFSYSLAYOUT = False )
+ elif os.path.exists(sys_path):
+ env.SetDefault( SENFSYSLAYOUT = True )
+ else:
+ continue
+ env.SetDefault( FLAVOR = flavor, SENFDIR = sconspath )
+ return True
+ return False
+def SetupForSENF(env, senf_path = [], flavor=None):
+ try_flavors = [ '', 'g' ]
+ if flavor is not None:
+ try_flavors[0:0] = [ flavor ]
+ res = detect_senf(env, senf_path, try_flavors)
+ if not env.GetOption('no_progress'):
+ if res:
+ print env.subst("scons: Using${SENFSYSLAYOUT and ' system' or ''} 'libsenf${LIBADDSUFFIX}' in '$SENFDIR'")
+ else:
+ print "scons: SENF library not found, trying to build anyway ..."
+ # For a non-system installed senf, we add library and include search path here
+ if not env.get('SENFSYSLAYOUT', True):
+ env.Append(
+ )
+ env.Replace(
+ _defines = expandDefines,
+ expandLogOption = expandLogOption,
+ )
+ env.SetDefault(
+ FLAVOR = flavor,
+ LIBADDSUFFIX = '${FLAVOR and "_$FLAVOR" or ""}',
+ PROJECTNAME = "Unnamed project",
+ DOCLINKS = [],
+ COPYRIGHT = "nobody",
+ REVISION = "unknown",
+ BUNDLEDIR = '$SENFDIR${SENFSYSLAYOUT and "/lib/senf" or ""}',
+ SENFINCDIR = '$SENFDIR${SENFSYSLAYOUT and "/include" or ""}',
+ )
- LIBS = [ 'rt' ],
+ CPPPATH = [ '${NEED_BOOST_EXT and "$SENFINCDIR/boost_ext" or None}' ],
+ CPPDEFINES = [ '$expandLogOption' ],
+ CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-long-long', '-fno-strict-aliasing' ],
+ LIBS = [ 'senf$LIBADDSUFFIX', 'rt',
+ LINKFLAGS = [ '-rdynamic' ],
+ )
- CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wno-long-long', '$CXXFLAGS_', '-fno-strict-aliasing' ],
+ try:
+ env.MergeFlags(file(env.File('$BUNDLEDIR/senf${LIBADDSUFFIX}.conf').abspath).read())
+ except IOError:
+ # Really should never happen since detect_senf looks for this file ...
+ pass
+def DefaultOptions(env):
+ env.Replace(
+ _defines = expandDefines,
+ expandLogOption = expandLogOption,
+ )
+ env.Append(
CXXFLAGS_ = BuildTypeOptions('CXXFLAGS'),
- CPPDEFINES = [ '$expandLogOption', '$CPPDEFINES_' ],
- expandLogOption = expandLogOption,
- LINKFLAGS = [ '-rdynamic', '$LINKFLAGS_' ],
LINKFLAGS_ = BuildTypeOptions('LINKFLAGS'),
LOGLEVELS_ = BuildTypeOptions('LOGLEVELS'),
CXXFLAGS_final = [],
CXXFLAGS_normal = [],
LOGLEVELS_final = [],
LOGLEVELS_normal = [],
LOGLEVELS_debug = [],
- PROJECTNAME = "Unnamed project",
- DOCLINKS = [],
- COPYRIGHT = "nobody",
- REVISION = "unknown",
- env.Replace( _defines = expandDefines )
# Interpret command line options
BoolVariable('debug', 'Link in debug symbols', False),
- # If we have a symbolic link (or directory) 'senf', we use it as our
- # senf repository
- for path in senf_path:
- if not path.startswith('/') : sconspath = '#/%s' % path
- else : sconspath = path
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,"senf/config.hh")):
- if not env.GetOption('no_progress'):
- print "\nUsing SENF in '%s'\n" \
- % ('/..' in sconspath and os.path.abspath(path) or sconspath)
- env.Append( LIBPATH = [ sconspath ],
- CPPPATH = [ sconspath ],
- BUNDLEDIR = sconspath,
- SENFDIR = sconspath,
- SENFINCDIR = sconspath,
- try:
- env.MergeFlags(file(os.path.join(path,"senf.conf")).read())
- except IOError:
- if not env.GetOption('no_progress'):
- print "(SENF configuration file 'senf.conf' not found, assuming non-final SENF)"
- env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [ 'SENF_DEBUG' ])
- break
- elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,"include/senf/config.hh")):
- if not env.GetOption('no_progress'):
- print "\nUsing system SENF in '%s/'\n" % sconspath
- env.Append(BUNDLEDIR = os.path.join(sconspath,"lib/senf"),
- SENFDIR = sconspath,
- SENFINCDIR = '%s/include' % sconspath,
- break
- else:
- if not env.GetOption('no_progress'):
- print "\nSENF library not found .. trying build anyway !!\n"
- Configure(env)
- # Only add senf after all configure checks have run
- env.Append(
- CPPPATH = '${NEED_BOOST_EXT and "$SENFINCDIR/boost_ext" or None}',
- )
- env.Alias('all', '#')
-def DefaultOptions(env):
+ # Set nice default options
CXXFLAGS = [ '-Wall', '-Woverloaded-virtual' ],
CXXFLAGS_final = [ '-O3' ],
LINKFLAGS_debug = [ '-g' ],
+ env.Alias('all', '#')
def Glob(env, exclude=[], subdirs=[]):
testSources = env.Glob("*", strings=True)