BoolVariable('final', 'Build final (optimized) build', False),
BoolVariable('debug', 'Link in debug symbols', False),
+ BoolVariable('profile', 'compile and link with the profiling enabled option', False),
BoolVariable('syslayout', 'Install in to system layout directories (lib/, include/ etc)', False),
BoolVariable('sparse_tests', 'Link tests against object files and not the senf lib', False)
+# gprof
+if env['profile']:
+ env.Append(
+ LINKFLAGS = [ '-pg' ],
+ CXXFLAGS = [ '-pg' ],
+ )
# Add UNIX env vars matching IMPORT_ENV patterns into the execution environment
BoolVariable('final', 'Build final (optimized) build', False),
BoolVariable('debug', 'Link in debug symbols', False),
+ BoolVariable('profile', 'compile and link with the profiling enabled option', False),
# Set nice default options
LINKFLAGS_normal = [ '-Wl,-S' ],
LINKFLAGS_debug = [ '-g' ],
+ if env['profile']:
+ env.Append(
+ LINKFLAGS = [ '-pg' ],
+ CXXFLAGS = [ '-pg' ],
+ )
env.Alias('all', '#')