After this setup, \c varChanged will be called, whenever the value has changed.
- \section console_args Special types
+ \section console_args Console library supported types
- By default, types which can be read and written using \c iostreams are automatically
- supported. Other types need to be registered explicitly
+ By default, types which can be read and written using \c iostreams are automatically supported.
+ This includes all the C++ built-in types as well as user defined streamable types.
+ An exception is made for all \c char types: These types are by default parsed as \e numeric
+ values not single-character data. To interpret \c char values as single-char strings, use \ref
+ senf::console::CharAsString.
+ \subsection console_args_stl STL container support
+ The %console library contains support for the STL container types: \c std::vector, \c
+ std::list, \c std::set, \c std::multiset, \c std::map and \c std::multimap.
+ All container types are parsed as parenthesized list of elements. Each element is parsed as
+ defined for the element type:
+ \c vector, \c list or \c set of integers
+ <pre>
+ (1 2 3)
+ </pre>
+ \c vector, \c list or \c set of strings
+ <pre>
+ ("String 1" "String 2" "String 3")
+ </pre>
+ \c vector, \c list or \c set of \c pair<\c int,\c string>
+ <pre>
+ ((1 "String 1") (2 "String 2") (3 "String 3"))
+ </pre>
+ Empty collection
+ <pre>
+ ()
+ </pre>
+ Collection's with only one element may skip the parenthesis <em>if and only if</em> the element
+ type does not need additional parenthesis
+ A \c vector, \c list or \c set of integer with one element may be written with or without
+ parenthesis
+ <pre>
+ (1)
+ 1
+ </pre>
+ \e but a single element \c vector, \c list or \c set of \c pair<\c int,\c string> may \e only be
+ written
+ <pre>
+ ((1 "String 1"))
+ </pre>
+ In mapping containers, the key and value are separated by \c =:
+ <pre>
+ (foo=1 bar=2 "foo bar"=3)
+ </pre>
\subsection console_args_bool Boolean arguments and return values