from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
+from Acquisition import aq_base
+from zope import event
+from Products.Archetypes.event import ObjectInitializedEvent
SITE_OWNER = 'admin'
+def makePublicObject(container, type_name, id, **kw):
+ """Create an object in CONTAINER with type TYPE_NAME and id ID. Additional keyword args
+specify additional factory arguments. After creation, the object is published if needed."""
+ id = container.invokeFactory(id=id, type_name=type_name, **kw)
+ ob = getattr(container,id)
+ event.notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(ob))
+ ob.at_post_create_script()
+# if hasattr(aq_base(ob), 'manage_afterPortalFactoryCreate'):
+# ob.manage_afterPortalFactoryCreate()
+ wf = getToolByName(container, 'portal_workflow')
+ if wf.getInfoFor(ob,'review_state','') != 'published':
+ wf.doActionFor(ob,'publish',comment='site setup')
def siteSetup(context):
if context.readDataFile('koehsel.policy_setup.txt') is None:
except AttributeError:
- site.invokeFactory(id='shop', type_name='EasyShop')
- shop =
- shop.title = 'Shop'
- shop.shopOwner = 'admin'
- if wf.getInfoFor(shop,'review_state','') != 'published':
- wf.doActionFor(shop,'publish',comment='site setup')
+ makePublicObject(container=site, type_name='EasyShop',
+ id='shop', title='Shop', shopOwner='admin')
# Hide Users, News and Events