(boost::uint64_t( (*this)[5] ) );
+prefix_ boost::uint64_t senf::MACAddress::uint64()
+ const
+ return
+ (boost::uint64_t( (*this)[0] ) << 40) |
+ (boost::uint64_t( (*this)[1] ) << 32) |
+ (boost::uint64_t( (*this)[2] ) << 24) |
+ (boost::uint64_t( (*this)[3] ) << 16) |
+ (boost::uint64_t( (*this)[4] ) << 8) |
+ (boost::uint64_t( (*this)[5] ) );
#undef prefix_
The following statements all create the same MAC address <code>00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5F</code>
// Used to construct constant MAC addresses
- MACAddress(0x001A2B3C4D5Flu)
+ MACAddress(0x001A2B3C4D5Fllu)
// Construct a MAC address from it's string representation:
MACAddress::from_string("00:1a:2b:3c:4d:5f") // case is ignored
boost::uint32_t nic() const; ///< Return last 3 bytes of the address
boost::uint64_t eui64() const; ///< Build EUI-64 from the MAC address
+ boost::uint64_t uint64() const; ///< Return MAC address as uint64 value
std::string toString() const; ///< Return string representation of MAC address like 12:34:56:78:90:ab
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( mac, senf::MACAddress::from_eui64(0xa1b2c3fffed4e5f6llu) );
BOOST_CHECK_THROW( senf::MACAddress::from_eui64(0u), senf::AddressSyntaxException );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( senf::MACAddress(0x1a2b3c4d5e6fULL).uint64(), 0x1a2b3c4d5e6fULL);