#include "kwingrid.moc"
KWinGrid::KWinGrid(int hgap__, int vgap__, int hsplit__, int vsplit__, int split__,
- int ignorestruts__, int reserveNorth__, int reserveSouth__,
- int reserveWest__, int reserveEast__)
+ int ignorestruts__, int reserveNorth__, int reserveSouth__, int reserveWest__, int reserveEast__,
+ int southstrut__, int strutscreen__)
: split_(split__), ignorestruts_(ignorestruts__), reserveNorth_(reserveNorth__),
reserveSouth_(reserveSouth__), reserveEast_(reserveEast__), reserveWest_(reserveWest__),
- hgap_(hgap__), vgap_(vgap__), hsplit_(hsplit__), vsplit_(vsplit__)
+ hgap_(hgap__), vgap_(vgap__), hsplit_(hsplit__), vsplit_(vsplit__),
+ southstrut_(southstrut__), strutscreen_(strutscreen__)
deltaMSecs += deltaDays * 1000*(60*60*24);
- if (deltaMSecs <= 1000 && deltaMSecs > 0)
+ if (deltaMSecs <= 500 && deltaMSecs > 0)
activeWindow_ = 0;
screen_ = __forceScreen;
region_ = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(screen_);
+ // region_ = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(screen_);
numScreens_ = QApplication::desktop()->numScreens();
- if (screen_ != ignorestruts_) {
+ if (screen_ != ignorestruts_ && ignorestruts_ != -1) {
QRect wa = KWindowSystem::workArea();
region_ = region_ & wa;
+ if (screen_ == strutscreen_ || strutscreen_ == -1) {
+ region_.setHeight(region_.height() - southstrut_);
+ }
hsize_ = (region_.width()-hgap_)/hsplit_;
vsize_ = (region_.height()-vgap_)/vsplit_;
void KWinGrid::applyGeometry()
+ KWindowSystem::clearState(activeWindow_, NET::MaxVert | NET::MaxHoriz | NET::FullScreen);
if (orig_.topLeft() == outer_.topLeft())
// If the position of the window did not change,
// XMoveResizeWindow sometimes still moves the window a little
+void KWinGrid::moveSlot(int nx, int ny, int posx, int posy)
+ move((hsplit_-reserveWest_-reserveEast_)/nx * posx + reserveWest_,
+ (vsplit_-reserveNorth_-reserveSouth_)/ny * posy + reserveNorth_);
+void KWinGrid::resizeSlot(int nx, int ny, int szx, int szy)
+ resize((hsplit_-reserveWest_-reserveEast_)/nx * (szx+1),
+ (vsplit_-reserveNorth_-reserveSouth_)/ny * (szy+1));
// slots
void KWinGrid::move_TL()
- move(reserveWest_,reserveNorth_);
+ moveSlot(2, 2, 0, 0);
void KWinGrid::move_TR()
- move((hsplit_-reserveWest_-reserveEast_)/2+reserveWest_,reserveNorth_);
+ moveSlot(2, 2, 1, 0);
void KWinGrid::move_BL()
- move(reserveWest_,(vsplit_-reserveNorth_-reserveSouth_)/2+reserveNorth_);
+ moveSlot(2, 2, 0, 1);
void KWinGrid::move_BR()
- move((hsplit_-reserveWest_-reserveEast_)/2+reserveWest_,
- (vsplit_-reserveNorth_-reserveSouth_)/2+reserveNorth_);
+ moveSlot(2, 2, 1, 1);
void KWinGrid::resize_Q()
- resize((hsplit_-reserveWest_-reserveEast_)/2,(vsplit_-reserveNorth_-reserveSouth_)/2);
+ resizeSlot(2, 2, 0, 0);
void KWinGrid::resize_H()
- resize((hsplit_-reserveWest_-reserveEast_),(vsplit_-reserveNorth_-reserveSouth_)/2);
+ resizeSlot(2, 2, 1, 0);
void KWinGrid::resize_V()
- resize((hsplit_-reserveWest_-reserveEast_)/2,vsplit_-reserveNorth_-reserveSouth_);
+ resizeSlot(2, 2, 0, 1);
void KWinGrid::resize_F()
- resize(hsplit_-reserveWest_-reserveEast_,vsplit_-reserveNorth_-reserveSouth_);
+ resizeSlot(2, 2, 1, 1);
+void KWinGrid::move_00()
+ moveSlot(3, 2, 0, 0);
+void KWinGrid::move_10()
+ moveSlot(3, 2, 1, 0);
+void KWinGrid::move_20()
+ moveSlot(3, 2, 2, 0);
+void KWinGrid::move_01()
+ moveSlot(3, 2, 0, 1);
+void KWinGrid::move_11()
+ moveSlot(3, 2, 1, 1);
+void KWinGrid::move_21()
+ moveSlot(3, 2, 2, 1);
+void KWinGrid::resize_00()
+ resizeSlot(3, 2, 0, 0);
+void KWinGrid::resize_10()
+ resizeSlot(3, 2, 1, 0);
+void KWinGrid::resize_20()
+ resizeSlot(3, 2, 2, 0);
+void KWinGrid::resize_01()
+ resizeSlot(3, 2, 0, 1);
+void KWinGrid::resize_11()
+ resizeSlot(3, 2, 1, 1);
+void KWinGrid::resize_21()
+ resizeSlot(3, 2, 2, 1);
void KWinGrid::move_L()
KCmdLineOptions winGridOpts;
winGridOpts.add("split <width>", ki18n("split"), 0);
- winGridOpts.add("ignorestruts <screen>", ki18n("ignorestruts"), "");
+ winGridOpts.add("ignorestruts <screen>", ki18n("ignorestruts. -1 = all screens"), "");
winGridOpts.add("reserve-north <n>", ki18n("reserve north"), "");
winGridOpts.add("reserve-south <n>", ki18n("reserve south"), "");
winGridOpts.add("reserve-west <n>", ki18n("reserve west"), "");
winGridOpts.add("reserve-east <n>", ki18n("reserve east"), "");
+ winGridOpts.add("southstrut <n>", ki18n("set south strut size"), "");
+ winGridOpts.add("strutscreen <n>", ki18n("set screen to apply manual strut to. -1 = all screens"), "");
winGridOpts.add("+hgap", ki18n("hgap"), 0);
winGridOpts.add("+vgap", ki18n("vgap"), 0);
winGridOpts.add("+hsplit", ki18n("hsplit"), 0);
int split = 0;
- int ignorestruts = -1;
+ int ignorestruts = -2;
if (args->isSet("split"))
split = args->getOption("split").toInt();
return 1;
+ int southstrut (0);
+ int strutscreen (-2);
+ if (args->isSet("southstrut"))
+ southstrut = args->getOption("southstrut").toInt();
+ if (args->isSet("strutscreen"))
+ strutscreen = args->getOption("strutscreen").toInt();
int rn = 0;
int rs = 0;
int re = 0;
KWinGrid * winGrid = new KWinGrid(hgap,vgap,hsplit,vsplit,split,ignorestruts,
- rn, rs, rw, re);
+ rn, rs, rw, re, southstrut, strutscreen);
KActionCollection * actions = new KActionCollection(winGrid);
- KAction * move_TL = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Move top-left", move_TL);
- move_TL->setHelpText("Move active window top-left");
- move_TL->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_I, Qt::META+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_I));
- QObject::connect(move_TL, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(move_TL()));
- KAction * move_TR = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Move top-right", move_TR);
- move_TR->setHelpText("Move active window top-right");
- move_TR->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_O, Qt::META+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_O));
- QObject::connect(move_TR, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(move_TR()));
- KAction * move_BL = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Move bottom-left", move_BL);
- move_BL->setHelpText("Move active window bottom-left");
- move_BL->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_K, Qt::META+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_K));
- QObject::connect(move_BL, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(move_BL()));
- KAction * move_BR = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Move bottom-right", move_BR);
- move_BR->setHelpText("Move active window bottom-right");
- move_BR->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_L, Qt::META+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_L));
- QObject::connect(move_BR, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(move_BR()));
- KAction * resize_Q = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Resize quarter", resize_Q);
- resize_Q->setHelpText("Resize quarter");
- resize_Q->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_I, Qt::META+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_I));
- QObject::connect(resize_Q, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(resize_Q()));
- KAction * resize_H = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Resize horizontal", resize_H);
- resize_H->setHelpText("Resize horizontal");
- resize_H->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_O, Qt::META+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_O));
- QObject::connect(resize_H, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(resize_H()));
- KAction * resize_V = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Resize vertical", resize_V);
- resize_V->setHelpText("Resize vertical");
- resize_V->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_K, Qt::META+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_K));
- QObject::connect(resize_V, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(resize_V()));
- KAction * resize_F = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Resize full", resize_F);
- resize_F->setHelpText("Resize full");
- resize_F->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_L, Qt::META+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_L));
- QObject::connect(resize_F, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(resize_F()));
- KAction * move_L = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Move left", move_L);
- move_L->setHelpText("Move left");
- move_L->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Left, Qt::META+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Left));
- QObject::connect(move_L, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(move_L()));
- KAction * move_R = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Move right", move_R);
- move_R->setHelpText("Move right");
- move_R->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Right, Qt::META+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Right));
- QObject::connect(move_R, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(move_R()));
- KAction * move_U = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Move up", move_U);
- move_U->setHelpText("Move up");
- move_U->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Up, Qt::META+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Up));
- QObject::connect(move_U, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(move_U()));
- KAction * move_D = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Move down", move_D);
- move_D->setHelpText("Move down");
- move_D->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Down, Qt::META+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Down));
- QObject::connect(move_D, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(move_D()));
- KAction * resize_IH = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Increase horizontal size", resize_IH);
- resize_IH->setHelpText("Increase horizontal size");
- resize_IH->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Right,Qt::META+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Right));
- QObject::connect(resize_IH, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(resize_IH()));
- KAction * resize_IV = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Increase vertical size", resize_IV);
- resize_IV->setHelpText("Increase vertical size");
- resize_IV->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Down,Qt::META+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Down));
- QObject::connect(resize_IV, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(resize_IV()));
- KAction * resize_DH = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Decrease horizontal size", resize_DH);
- resize_DH->setHelpText("Decrease horizontal size");
- resize_DH->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Left,Qt::META+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Left));
- QObject::connect(resize_DH, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(resize_DH()));
- KAction * resize_DV = new KAction(winGrid);
- actions->addAction("Decrease vertical size", resize_DV);
- resize_DV->setHelpText("Decrease vertical size");
- resize_DV->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(
- Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Up,Qt::META+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Up));
- QObject::connect(resize_DV, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(resize_DV()));
+#define ACTION(pos, key, slot) \
+ KAction * slot = new KAction(winGrid); \
+ actions->addAction("Move " pos, slot); \
+ slot->setHelpText("Move active window" pos); \
+ slot->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut( \
+ Qt::ALT+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_ ## key, Qt::META+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_ ## key)); \
+ QObject::connect(slot, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(slot()))
+ ACTION("top-left", I, move_TL);
+ ACTION("top-right", O, move_TR);
+ ACTION("bottom-left", K, move_BL);
+ ACTION("bottom-right", L, move_BR);
+ ACTION("top-left (3x2 grid)", T, move_00);
+ ACTION("top-middle (3x2 grid)", Y, move_10);
+ ACTION("top-right (3x2 grid)", U, move_20);
+ ACTION("bottom-left (3x2 grid)", G, move_01);
+ ACTION("bottom-middle (3x2 grid)", H, move_11);
+ ACTION("bottom-right (3x2 grid)", J, move_21);
+#undef ACTION
+#define ACTION(size, key, slot) \
+ KAction * slot = new KAction(winGrid); \
+ actions->addAction("Resize " size, slot); \
+ slot->setHelpText("Resize " size); \
+ slot->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut( \
+ Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_ ## key, Qt::META+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_ ## key)); \
+ QObject::connect(slot, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(slot()));
+ ACTION("quarter", I, resize_Q);
+ ACTION("horizontal", O, resize_H);
+ ACTION("vertical", K, resize_V);
+ ACTION("full", L, resize_F);
+ ACTION("top-left (3x2 grid)", T, resize_00);
+ ACTION("top-middle (3x2 grid)", Y, resize_10);
+ ACTION("top-right (3x2 grid)", U, resize_20);
+ ACTION("bottom-left (3x2 grid)", G, resize_01);
+ ACTION("bottom-middle (3x2 grid)", H, resize_11);
+ ACTION("bottom-right (3x2 grid)", J, resize_21);
+#undef ACTION
+#define ACTION(dir, key, slot) \
+ KAction * slot = new KAction(winGrid); \
+ actions->addAction("Move " dir, slot); \
+ slot->setHelpText("Move " dir); \
+ slot->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut( \
+ Qt::ALT+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_ ## key, Qt::META+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_ ## key)); \
+ QObject::connect(slot, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(slot()));
+ ACTION("left", Left, move_L);
+ ACTION("right", Right, move_R);
+ ACTION("up", Up, move_U);
+ ACTION("down", Down, move_D);
+#undef ACTION
+#define ACTION(resize, key, slot) \
+ KAction * slot = new KAction(winGrid); \
+ actions->addAction(resize " size", slot); \
+ slot->setHelpText(resize " size"); \
+ slot->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut( \
+ Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_ ## key,Qt::META+Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_ ## key)); \
+ QObject::connect(slot, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), winGrid, SLOT(slot()));
+ ACTION("Increase horizontal", Right, resize_IH);
+ ACTION("Increase vertical", Down, resize_IV);
+ ACTION("Decrease horizontal", Left, resize_DH);
+ ACTION("Decrease vertical", Up, resize_DV);
+#undef ACTION
int ret = app->exec();
delete app;
return ret;