boost::io::ios_base_all_saver ibas (os);
boost::io::ios_fill_saver ifs (os);
+ os.setf(v_.flags_, v_.mask_);
+ if (v_.havePrecision_)
+ os.precision(v_.precision_);
+ if (v_.haveWidth_)
+ os.width(v_.width_);
+ if (v_.haveFill_)
+ os.fill(v_.fill_);
unsigned prec (os.precision());
if (prec < 4)
prec = 4;
unsigned w (os.width());
char fill (os.fill());
unsigned minw (prec+2+((os.flags() & std::ios_base::showbase) ? 1 : 4));
- std::ios_base::fmtflags align (os.flags() & std::ios_base::adjustfield);
- if (! std::isnan(v_.d))
+ std::ios_base::fmtflags flags (os.flags());
+ std::ios_base::fmtflags align (flags & std::ios_base::adjustfield);
+ if (! std::isnan(v_.d_))
minw += prec+3;
- double ref (std::fabs(v_.v));
- double v (v_.v);
- double d (0.0);
- if (! std::isnan(v_.d)) d = std::fabs(v_.d);
+ float ref (std::fabs(v_.v_));
+ float v (v_.v_);
+ float d (0.0);
+ if (! std::isnan(v_.d_)) d = std::fabs(v_.d_);
int scale (0);
if (d > ref) ref = d;
os << std::dec << std::setprecision(prec-3) << std::fixed;
if (w > 0) {
- if ((align == 0 || align == std::ios_base::right || align == std::ios_base::internal)
- && w > minw)
- os << std::setw(prec+2+w-minw);
+ if ((align == 0 || align == std::ios_base::right || align == std::ios_base::internal))
+ os << std::setw(prec+2+(w>minw ? w-minw : 0));
os << std::right << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(prec+2);
os << v;
os << std::setfill('0') << std::noshowpos;
- if (! std::isnan(v_.d)) {
+ if (! std::isnan(v_.d_)) {
os << "+-";
if (w > 0)
os << std::setw(prec+1);
os << d;
- if ((os.flags() & std::ios_base::showbase) && unsigned(std::abs(scale/3)) <= SIScales) {
+ if ((flags & std::ios_base::showbase) && unsigned(std::abs(scale/3)) <= SIScales) {
if (w > 0 || scale != 0)
os << SIPrefix[scale/3+SIScales];
- else if ((os.flags() & std::ios_base::showpoint) || scale != 0)
- os << ((os.flags() & std::ios_base::uppercase)?'E':'e')
+ else if ((flags & std::ios_base::showpoint) || scale != 0)
+ os << ((flags & std::ios_base::uppercase)?'E':'e')
<< std::showpos << std::internal << std::setw(3) << scale;
else if (w > 0)
os << " ";
#define prefix_ inline
-prefix_ senf::format::eng::eng(double v_, double d_)
- : v (v_), d (d_)
+prefix_ senf::format::eng::eng(float v, float d)
+ : v_ (v), d_ (d), haveWidth_ (false), width_ (0), havePrecision_ (false), precision_ (0),
+ haveFill_ (false), fill_ (' '), mask_ (), flags_ ()
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::setw(unsigned w)
+ const
+ haveWidth_ = true;
+ width_ = w;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::setprecision(unsigned p)
+ const
+ havePrecision_ = true;
+ precision_ = p;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::setfill(char c)
+ const
+ haveFill_ = true;
+ fill_ = c;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::showbase()
+ const
+ mask_ |= std::ios_base::showbase;
+ flags_ |= std::ios_base::showbase;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::noshowbase()
+ const
+ mask_ |= std::ios_base::showbase;
+ flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::showbase;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::showpos()
+ const
+ mask_ |= std::ios_base::showpos;
+ flags_ |= std::ios_base::showpos;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::noshowpos()
+ const
+ mask_ |= std::ios_base::showpos;
+ flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::showpos;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::showpoint()
+ const
+ mask_ |= std::ios_base::showpoint;
+ flags_ |= std::ios_base::showpoint;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::noshowpoint()
+ const
+ mask_ |= std::ios_base::showpoint;
+ flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::showpoint;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::uppercase()
+ const
+ mask_ |= std::ios_base::uppercase;
+ flags_ |= std::ios_base::uppercase;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::nouppercase()
+ const
+ mask_ |= std::ios_base::uppercase;
+ flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::uppercase;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::left()
+ const
+ mask_ |= std::ios_base::adjustfield;
+ flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::adjustfield;
+ flags_ |= std::ios_base::left;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::internal()
+ const
+ mask_ |= std::ios_base::adjustfield;
+ flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::adjustfield;
+ flags_ |= std::ios_base::internal;
+ return *this;
+prefix_ senf::format::eng const & senf::format::eng::right()
+ const
+ mask_ |= std::ios_base::adjustfield;
+ flags_ &= ~std::ios_base::adjustfield;
+ flags_ |= std::ios_base::right;
+ return *this;
#undef prefix_
senf::format::eng supports several formating options:
- \par \c std::setw()
+ \par \c std::\c setw
If the width is set >0, the output will be padded internally. If the width is set to
more than the minimal required output width including internal padding, the output is
padded on the left or right depending on the streams \c ajustfield setting (changed
with \c std::left, \c std:;right or \c std::interal). If the \c adjustfield is set to \c
internal, padding is added between the sign and the number.
- \par \c std::\c setprecision()
+ \par \c std::\c setprecision
The default stream precision is 6. This will schow values with 6 significant digits. The
count includes the number of digits in front of the decimal point.
- \par \c std::\c showbase
+ \par \c std::\c showbase, \c std::\c noshowbase
If the \c showbase flag is set, Instead of writing out the scale exponent in numeric
form, output the corresponding SI prefix.
- \par \c std::\c showpos
+ \par \c std::\c showpos, \c std::\c noshowpos
If the \c showpos flag is set, positive values will have a '+' sign.
- \par \c std::\c showpoint
+ \par \c std::\c showpoint, \c std::\c noshowpoint
If the \c showpoint flag is set, the exponent will be output even if it is 0. Otherwise,
if \c width is set, the exponent will be replaced with 4 blanks.
- \par \c std::\c uppercase
+ \par \c std::\c uppercase, \c std::\c nouppercase
If the \c uppercase flag is set, the exponent letter will be an uppercase 'E' instead of
'e'. SI prefixes are \e not uppercased, since some SI prefixes differ only in case.
- \par \c std::\c setfill()
+ \par \c std::\c setfill
The fill character is honored for the outside padding but \e not for the internal
+ \par \c std::\c left, \c std::\c internal, \c std::\c right
+ The alignment flags specify the external padding but do not affect the internal
+ padding.
+ All these flags may optionally be set by calling members of the senf::format::eng() return
+ value with the same name.
- os << senf::format::eng(1.23);
- -> "1.230"
- os << std::setw(1) << senf::format::eng(1.23);
- -> " 1.230 "
- os << std::setw(25) << std::setprecision(5) << std::showpos << std::uppercase
- << std::internal << senf::format::eng(12345,67);
- -> "+ 12.35+-000.07E+03"
- os << std::showbase << senf::format::eng(12345,67);
- -> "12.345+-0.067k"
+ os << senf::format::eng(1.23);
+ -> "1.230"
+ os << std::setw(1) << senf::format::eng(1.23);
+ -> " 1.230 "
+ os << std::setw(25) << std::setprecision(5) << std::showpos << std::uppercase
+ << std::internal << senf::format::eng(12345,67);
+ -> "+ 12.35+-000.07E+03"
+ os << std::showbase << senf::format::eng(12345,67);
+ -> "12.345+-0.067k"
+ senf::str(senf::format::eng(12.345,67).setw().setprecision(5).showpoint().uppercase())
+ -> " 12.35+-67.00E+00"
\param[in] v value
\ingroup senf_utils_format
- streamable_type eng(double v, double d=NAN);
+ streamable_type eng(float v, float d=NAN);
- struct eng
+ class eng
- eng(double v_, double d_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
+ public:
+ eng(float v, float d = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
+ eng const & setw(unsigned w = 1) const;
+ eng const & setprecision(unsigned p) const;
+ eng const & setfill(char c) const;
+ eng const & showbase() const;
+ eng const & noshowbase() const;
+ eng const & showpos() const;
+ eng const & noshowpos() const;
+ eng const & showpoint() const;
+ eng const & noshowpoint() const;
+ eng const & uppercase() const;
+ eng const & nouppercase() const;
+ eng const & left() const;
+ eng const & internal() const;
+ eng const & right() const;
+ private:
+ float v_;
+ float d_;
+ mutable bool haveWidth_;
+ mutable unsigned width_;
+ mutable bool havePrecision_;
+ mutable unsigned precision_;
+ mutable bool haveFill_;
+ mutable char fill_;
+ mutable std::ios_base::fmtflags mask_;
+ mutable std::ios_base::fmtflags flags_;
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, eng const & v);
- double v;
- double d;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, eng const & v);
#include <iomanip>
#include "Format.hh"
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+#include "String.hh"
#include <senf/Utils/auto_unit_test.hh>
#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>
ss << std::showbase << senf::format::eng(12345,67);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( ss.str(), "12.345+-0.067k" );
+ // class member formatting
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( senf::str(senf::format::eng(12345, 67)
+ .setw()
+ .setprecision(5)
+ .setfill('0')
+ .showbase()
+ .showpos()
+ .internal()),
+ "+012.35+-000.07k" );
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( senf::str(senf::format::eng(12.345, 67)
+ .setw()
+ .setprecision(5)
+ .showpoint()
+ .uppercase()),
+ " 12.35+-067.00E+00" );
prefix_ void senf::StatisticsBase::consoleList(unsigned level, std::ostream & os)
- os << boost::format("%s%-5d%|15t| %12s %19.5g %12s\n")
- % std::string(2*level,' ')
- % rank()
- % boost::io::group(std::setw(1),senf::format::eng(min()))
- % boost::io::group(std::setw(1),senf::format::eng(avg(),dev()))
- % boost::io::group(std::setw(1),senf::format::eng(max()));
+ namespace fmt = senf::format;
+ os << boost::format("%s%-5d%|15t| %12.5g %19.5g %12.5g\n")
+ % std::string(2*level,' ') % rank()
+ % fmt::eng(min()).setw() % fmt::eng(avg(),dev()).setw() % fmt::eng(max()).setw();
OutputMap::const_iterator i (outputs_.begin());
OutputMap::const_iterator i_end (outputs_.end());
for (; i != i_end; ++i)
- os << boost::format(" %3d %12s %19.5g %12s\n")
+ os << boost::format(" %3d %12.5g %19.5g %12.5g\n")
% i->second.n
- % boost::io::group(std::setw(1),senf::format::eng(i->second.min/i->second.n))
- % boost::io::group(std::setw(1),senf::format::eng(i->second.avg/i->second.n,
- i->>second.n))
- % boost::io::group(std::setw(1),senf::format::eng(i->second.max/i->second.n));
+ % fmt::eng(i->second.min).setw()
+ % fmt::eng(i->second.avg, i->
+ % fmt::eng(i->second.max).setw();
Children::const_iterator i (children_.begin());
i->second.max += j->max;
i-> += j->dev;
- i->second.signal(i->second.min/n, i->second.avg/n, i->second.max/n, i->;
+ i->second.min /= n;
+ i->second.avg /= n;
+ i->second.max /= n;
+ i-> /= n;
+ i->second.signal(i->second.min, i->second.avg, i->second.max, i->;
prefix_ void senf::Statistics::consoleList(std::ostream & os)
- os << "RANK WIN MIN AVG MAX\n";
+ os << "RANK WIN MIN AVG MAX\n";
StatisticsBase::consoleList(0, os);
// senf::StatisticsBase
prefix_ senf::StatisticsBase::StatisticsBase()
- : min_ (0.0f), avg_ (0.0f), max_ (0.0f), maxQueueLen_ (0u)
+ : min_ (0.0f), avg_ (0.0f), max_ (0.0f), dev_ (0.0f), maxQueueLen_ (0u)
prefix_ senf::StatisticsBase::~StatisticsBase()