I have started by creating an etch installation in /target
# debootstrap etch /target
afterwards, I chroot into the new installation and change some stuff:
# mount --bind /dev /target/dev # chroot /target # dpkg-reconfigure -a # cat >/etc/fstab /dev/sda1 / ext2 ro 0 0 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 0 ^D # rmdir /var/tmp # ln -s /tmp /var/tmp # sed -i -e 's/RAMRUN=no/RAMRUN=yes/' /etc/default/rcS # sed -i -e 's/RAMLOCK=no/RAMLOCK=yes/' etc/default/rcS # rm /etc/mtab # ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab # touch /fastboot # echo asaph >/etc/hostname # echo ' localhost asaph' >/etc/hosts # aptitude update # aptitude purge sysklogd klogd logrotate cron # aptitude install less # aptitude install lilo
I have a custom-built low-latency kernel on that system. That kernel is in /target/linux-image-
# cat >/etc/lilo.conf boot=/dev/sda root=/dev/sda1 map=/boot/map prompt timeout=20 image=/vmlinuz label=Linux read-only initrd=/initrd.img image=/vmlinuz.old label=LinuxOLD read-only optional initrd=/initrd.img.old ^D # mount -t proc proc /proc # dpkg -i /linux-image- # aptitude install linux-image- # cat >/etc/network/interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway ^D # echo 'nameserver' >/etc/resolv.conf # aptitude install openssh-server # ^D
I'm now back out of the chroot. I need to re-run lilo on both systems since the package installation has overwritten the boot loader on /dev/sda (which is a temporary disk which will be removed when the system is ready):
# lilo # chroot /target lilo -b /dev/sdb # halt
Now move the new hard-drive to /dev/sda and restart the system. The system should now be reachable on via ssh.
Since I use this system as an audio appliance, here the further configuration steps
I installed the following packages:
alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-utils ntpdate qjackctl sooperlooper meterbridge alsaplayer-jack jack-rack stow timemachine sndfile-programs python-ecasound ecasound xbase-clients psmisc xterm nfs-client
In /etc/security/limits.conf, I setup the following to allow realtime access to the audio group:
* hard rtprio 0 * soft rtprio 0 asaph hard rtprio 80 asaph soft rtprio 70
Additionally, I had to adjust /etc/pam.d/su
and uncomment the pam_limits.so